What is the price of the property per night?

Open Internet/Open Canvas Site/Open Note
Under no circumstance can you collaborate with another student
PLEASE DO NOT GO OVERBOARD – students often get fatigued by this exam (past variants) you don’t get more credit for putting more words – be concise with an economy of words – directly address the question/task – the teaching assistants and I meet about grading and we decided we would like to communicate efficiently – again you can still get full credit without writing pages on pages.
Each question will receive a score of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 (4 questions completed – each question is 25 points – 100)
25 points – Above and beyond my expectations. I am impressed. You’ve put in the extra effort to understand and demonstrate the concept.
20 points – You fully answered the question. All of the parts are correct and linked to activities/concepts from the class.
15 points – You are missing one important element from the answer.
5-15 points – You answered the question improperly or you have 2 or more elements that off/wrong. You didn’t read the instructions.
0 – Blank
You must complete Question #1
Pick 3 out the 4 remaining questions (2-5)
This is an assignment – you can submit your word document on this page with the assignment upload link.
Pick a neighborhood and stick with it. Brewerytown or Point Breeze
Question 1: REQUIRED Establishing/Showing Gentrification in the neighborhood of your choice
Pick a location in your neighborhood that is gentrifying using Google Street View.
a) You should combine two images (before and after) – paste them into your Word document (you can use that application from the second module to combine).
Underneath your image (before and after of a single location that shows gentrification) include the following:
b) A descriiption of what changes have taken place in the pictures you chose. To get full credit you will want to do some cursory research on the neighborhood and explain what has actually changed in the pictures. Also include any other changes to the street around the Google Street View Image. (Trash on the ground/bike racks/types of cars etc)
Keep your descriiption to just a couple of paragraphs
c) Define rent gap theory (a few sentences) Copy and Pasted answers will receive a 5 (out of 20). I want you to break it down in your own words.
d) Apply rent gap theory to the photos you included above. How does rent gap explain the changes you see? (one paragraph)
Submit a,b,c and d and don’t forget to clearly mark that you are completing question #1
Question 2: Thinking about gentrification through Trulia and Air BnB
1. Draw a picture of how location services work using one of your gentrifiying latitude and longitude coordinates as an example. Take a picture and paste it into a word document/pdf. Be sure to draw the concept of triangulation and explain it using the following concepts a) particles moving at the speed of light, fixed locations (satellites), time, and distance. You may also use a drawing application.
Submit: The picture of locations services
2. Look up ‘1’ of the Google Street View locations on Trulia. You already found one of these areas in Question #1.
a) There is a neighborhood guide on Trulia. Just Google ‘Trulia’ and your ‘neighborhood’ (Brewerytown or Point Breeze) together.
b) In the upper right hand corner of the ‘neighborhood guide’ you will see ‘for sale on Trulia’ Click on it
c) There should be a map to the right hand side. See if you can find one of the exact locations from your Google Street View pictures. If not find something on the same block (or close as possible)
d) Select the address and scroll down to find the price history.
Submit Include a screenshot of the address and the price history
Submit In a few sentences describe how the price has changed over time citing specific years. When was the biggest price change?
Submit A few sentences explaining how rent gap theory explains any changes in price you see
3. Navigate to Air BnB https://www.airbnb.com/
Search your neighborhood and some random dates on the Air BnB home page
Pick a location in your neighborhood (close to where your Google Street View pictures are)
Submit What is the price of the property per night?
Submit Take a screenshot of the photos included of the place the chose and paste into your word/pdf document
Submit Quote a few of the reviews (copy and paste them) Are these reviews evidence of gentrification? Interpret the evidence in one paragraph.
Question 3: API, Data Privacy and VPN
1. Define an API (2-3 sentences in your own words – do not copy and paste or you will get a ‘1’ Go back to the Mulesoft video for a good explanation.
2. Apply the definition of an API to an application/website that uses location services. Examples include (Google Flights, Tinder, Air BnB). Explain how an API links together location services and other information on this app. (a few sentences)
3. Provide a link for the application you used above
4. What are your thoughts on your data being shared with the government and companies? Are you comfortable with it? (about a paragraph total)
Submit API definition, link for application, descriiption of how link uses location services, and your thoughts on data sharing
Question 4: Geographic Coordinate Systems
Write down the coordinates (in decimal form using Google Maps) of the location you chose in question 1 (submit 1 set of coordinates in decimal form)
Convert these coordinates into degrees, minutes, and seconds (convert them using an app from week 4 and submit a set of coordinates in degrees, minutes, and seconds)
Do the math and explain how the set of coordinates was converted from degrees, minutes, seconds back to decimal degrees. SHOW THE MATH. EXPLAIN THE DIVISION. You can use bullet points for your response.
Based on class materials (like lectures and readings – do not just Google stuff – you will receive no credit for this part of the question) write a paragraph or two explaining what geographic coordinate systems are (Pretend you explaining them to someone who doesn’t know what they are). What are they used for? What are the basic components? Please explain from the initial stages (taking measurements of the earth’s surface) to the finishing touches (creating a graticule based on datum)
Submit #1 – #4
Question 5: Projections
Use the PSU site from the lab. Select 3 different projections. Take a screenshot of each projection (with the ellipses showing) Describe why each projection would be good or bad for mapping your gentrifying neighborhood. What qualities does each projection preserve? What qualities does each projection distort?
Submit 3 screenshots with a 2-3 sentence explanation beneath each projection you chose.
Submit What UTM zone is the best for mapping your neighborhood? Which state plane? (Just list both and explain why you chose them)

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