What does this tale tell you about how the brigata understands the power of words?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a literature discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Module Four: Prompt One (micro-reading)This is a class-wide Discussion Board Post activity. It consists of four steps, so please take note of everything. Complete this activity after you have read all of the assigned tales from Day Six of the Decameron.Step One: Select two tales from among those you were assigned to read for Day Six (VI.1, VI.4, VI.7, VI.9, and VI.10). Respond to each of the following questions for each tale separately. Directly cite the page number of the story for each item (i.e., “p.150”):1. At what point in the story does a prompt or barbed retort appear? What is it?2. What provokes this retort? Is it self-preservation, pride, or malice?3. Who utter this statement, and to whom (who is the target)?4. Is there a difference in social class or gender between these two individuals?5. How does the tale resolve? Is the retort understood? Does a change or transformation occur as a result?Step Two: Now respond to the following questions in complete sentences:1. What does this tale tell you about how the brigata understands the power of words? 2. What does this tale tell you about the eloquence and intelligence of women?3. Why is this particular tale useful for the brigata to tell and to hear as they contemplate their return to Florence?Step Three:Now synthesize your responses to Steps One and Two into two paragraphs. Be sure to include direct textual citations. Your final post should be between 100 and 150 words total.

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