What do you think was the right thing to do in this case?

Read this case and respond to the following questions.*
Charlie’s Situation
Charlie, a black student in a mostly white school district, is a 5th grader who receives is also in the gifted program at his elementary school. Charlie is on grade level in math and two years above grade level in reading. Charlie has a slight history of disruptive problems, but nothing major. He is sometimes seen passing notes in class and making his classmates laugh when he gets bored. His teacher and principle have discussed this with him in the past and his parents have spoken to him (in the little time they have outside of their work schedules as a caretaker and grocery store manager).
One day on the playground, Charlie was being teased by a classmate for his hair. He angrily shouted at the classmate who would not let up and eventually pushed him to the ground.
Charlie was called in by a monitor and had to return to his classroom to gather his belongings and see his teacher. He was upset that no one was listening to him. So, he called her names and pretended to swing his fists toward her. Charlie’s teacher called the principal, who, in accordance with the student code of conduct at the school, issued an additional 10-day suspension for Charlie, bringing his total days of suspension to 13.
Answer the following questions in a document. You should write a few paragraphs totalling about 350 words. Complete and submit the assignment by 23:59 EST Sunday.
1. What do you think was the right thing to do in this case?
2. What might be the consequences of suspending Charlie? Positive ones? Negative ones?
3. Are there other strategies that the school administration could have taken to deal with his situation?
4. What would you have done?
Submission Instructions:
Upload a PDF file (you can save your WORD Docx or Google Doc as a PDF) with the answers to the prompt using the BBoard link found here.
Late assignments will lose a 1/2 letter grade for each day it is late. See the Academic Integrity policy for tips on how to avoid plagarism.
*This case is based on the statistical data cited in the Jeffrey Pierre reading that was assigned for this module.
Link: https://www.npr.org/2020/06/11/875023672/4-ways-racial-inequity-harms-american-school-children

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