What did you learn about your topic from this kind of article?

For this assignment, you must write a 2-3 page (that means a minimum of 2 full pages and no longer than 3 full pages) paper (in APA format with no direct quotes- all writing must be in your own words) with the following:
Pick ONE broad topic within healthcare (examples: cancer, Medicare, anxiety, pregnancy, health information technology, nutrition, physical therapy, etc.).
Find ONE peer-reviewed article in EACH of the above three article types about your topic (so three articles total- one study article, one literature review article, one meta analysis article).
For each article, describe the following:
Purpose of the article
Format of the article (i.e. length, subheadings, etc.)
What did you learn about your topic from this kind of article?
Finally, address the following:
Which article seems the most informative about your topic overall?
Which article was easiest to read? Which was the most difficult?

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