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What did they do well?

    Learning Goal: I’m working on a literature project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Qualitative Analysis PracticeFour items have been uploaded for you:( I have attached the interview and interview guide please use them to complete this assignment)- 2 audio files- 2 transcriptions- 1 semi-structured interview guideYou will be responsible for:1. Listening to the qualitative lecture (week 6), so you have a general idea about how interviews are coded and themes are created.2. Listening to the audio files (and taking notes while you listen — think about how the questions are being asked, the pacing of the interview, does the interviewee sound comfortable, does the interviewer sound comfortable?).3. Reviewing the interview guide4. Reading through the transcriptions (taking some notes while you read over and compare interviews)Please submit a 2-3 page summary of:1. A critique of the interviewers: What did they do well? What could they improve on? What are some follow-up questions you would have wanted to ask that the interviewer did NOT ask? Is there anything the interviewer could have / should have done to make the interviewee feel more comfortable?2. A response to those who were interviewed: Do you think they were comfortable? How did their tone sound in the interview? Did you notice anything about their responses?3. Did you notice any themes between the two interviews? If yes, what were they?NOTE: In reality, two interviews would not be an appropriate number of interviews / focus groups to identify themes; you would need to meet saturation in order for that to happen! For the purposes of this assignment, however, we will pretend that two is enough! (More on saturation here: (Links to an external site.))4. Did the interviewer follow the interview guide? Are there any changes you would make to the interview guide to better meet the needs of the sex ed evaluation?5. Are there any changes you would have made if it were you conducting the interview or asking the question? What changes would you make?Assignments should be double spaced, 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Full credit will be given to students who have thoroughly answered all of the questions above, written in full sentences, provided sufficient quote examples and have spent time reviewing their work for spelling and grammar errors.PreviousNext
    Requirements: 2-3 pages

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