What collaborative consultation models or purpose were identified?

Purpose: Although collaboration sometimes occurs “on the fly” when a need is identified, it should be an intentional process, a skill that has been developed. At first, collaboration should be well-thought out and planned until a teacher has mastered the components of effective collaboration and can ensure skilled interactions.
Proficiency: Evaluate a professional interaction for evidence of the consultation model (IEP, parent-teacher interaction, lesson planning with another teacher, co-teaching, teacher support/consultation, PBIS team, etc.). Make suggestions for growth or implementation in other areas or in your own practice.
Data Collection: The supervised participant will:
Observe the cooperating teacher in a collaboration/consultation setting. Write a 3-4 paragraph summary of the model of interaction, including goals/intent of the interaction and whether the intent/goal was met.
Then evaluate the intentionality and accuracy of the interaction and discuss effectiveness and adjustments or applications in future or alternative activities and settings.
Evaluation: The student must respond to the following reflective questions based on data collection:
What collaborative consultation models or purpose were identified? Did they appear intentional or happenstance?
Did both/all professionals in the collaboration accomplish the goals of the interaction? If yes, how did you know? If not, what was missing?
What could they do differently, or better to ensure future success in collaboration and consultation? How might you incorporate this into your practice?
Paper must be in APA format and grammarly approved.

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