What about the time, resources, and access required?

1. Consider a topic you may want to explore with qualitative research. Present your topic/idea in one or two sentences. Be detailed and concise. Write a short paragraph addressing the “Do-Ability” of the study. Is it realistic to research this topic? What about the time, resources, and access required? Use what you know personally and what you can find after briefly examining some research on the topic. Write a short paragraph about the “Should-Do-Ability” of the topic. Why should this topic be researched? Speak to the importance and usefulness of the research. Also address any potential ethical concerns. This paragraph should use scholarship and not opinion (i.e., cite sources to support your claims). Finally, write a short paragraph regarding the “Want-to-Do-Ability” of the topic. Why do you want to explore this topic? This paragraph should be your thoughts and opinions on the matter. 300 hundred words backed by two references. 2. Pick two of the popular frameworks/genres (i.e., phenomenology, case study, ethnography, and grounded theory) answer the following questions: What philosophical similarities and differences do you find between the two? When would you use each approach and what kinds of problems and research questions are best suited to be solved using each of the approaches? How are the processes of research similar and different between the two? For each popular genre we explored (phenomenology, case study, ethnography, and grounded theory), briefly create a two or three sentence summary of that genre. Write it as if you are defining or explaining the genre to someone else. 300 hundred words backed by two references. 3.Instructions Students will choose two qualitative genres (e.g., Ethnography, Grounded Theory, Phenomenology, Narrative Inquiry, Participatory Action Research, Case Study, etc.) and evaluate how those genres would be used to examine a topic of the student’s choice. The paper should include four parts: An introduction (1-3 paragraphs) – Describe the genres you will examine and the selected topic. A brief literature review on the topic (1-3 paragraphs) – Provide a bit of background on the topic, including how it is usually studied (i.e., what genres or approaches are typically used), and what current research says on the topic (i.e., what do we already know about the topic). In table format, address how each of the two methodological genres would be used to examine the topic in a theoretical study. Be sure to include detailed responses to the following (the bolded words should be the rows in your table and each genre should be a column): The philosophical underpinnings of the methodology and how it aligns (or doesn’t) with the theoretical study. Three research questions suitable for the given genre on the topic of study. Remember research questions are not interview questions. So, they should not be personal but larger conceptual questions. The data collection methods that would be used by your genre to study your topic. The methods and means of analysis for this genre on your topic. The forms of representation and/or presentation of the results for the study suitable to your selected genre on the topic. A discussion/conclusion (1-3 paragraphs) – Based on your table, describe which genre you think is best suited for the topic and why. The evaluation will be double-spaced (except for the table, which can be single-spaced), 12 point Times New Roman font, and follow APA writing conventions. A minimum of four (4) peer-reviewed, academic resources should be included in this paper.

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