We’ve All Had Experiences Where We Have Been Frustrated By A Decision That Our Supervisor Made.

I’m studying and need help with a Management question to help me learn.

2 pages


3 sources

SLP 2 MGT422:

We’ve all had experiences where we have been frustrated by a decision that our supervisor made. You have probably blamed this decision on your boss being “closed-minded,” “stubborn,” or “pigheaded.” But after reading the background materials you should be able to more precisely examine and define the precise decision-making biases or pitfalls that your supervisor made.

For this assignment, think of three bad decisions that your current or past supervisors made. For each decision, explain what bias discussed in the background materials likely led to this bad decision. You must use biases specifically discussed in Bolland and Fletcher (2012); Kourdi (2003); or Hammond, Keeney, and Raiffa (2008). For each of the three decisions, include:

A) A brief description of the decision and why you think it was a bad one

B) What kind of bias you think lead to this decision, and why

C) A reference to one of the background readings from this module

Finally, conclude your paper with a discussion about which of the three readings from the background materials would be most useful for your supervisor to read in order to help make better decisions and avoid biases. Explain why you think this reading would be more useful than the other two readings.

The paper should be 2 pages in length.Video Summary Assignment: nursing case study help
I’m stuck on a History question and need an explanation.

Write a summary of two of the three videos and in the summary(depending on the videos you choose describe the important of Benjamin Franklin in colonial history- show what life was life in colonial America and Virginia- show the important of P.T. Barnum in our national culture. You need to write at least two fairly long paragraphs per summary using the material from the videos in your summary assignment.Case Assignment MGT 420
I’m stuck on a Management question and need an explanation.

4 pages


4 Sources

Case Assignment MGT 420

For this assignment, make sure to first carefully review the background materials regarding the causes of political behavior, types of political behavior, and the ethics of political behavior. Examples of the causes of political behavior include competition for resources, ambiguous organizational goals, lack of trust, and performance factors. Examples of types of political behavior include blaming others, selectively distributing information, managing impressions, and forming coalitions. Regarding ethics, consider the three main factors:

Does the political action violate individual rights?

Does it improve the welfare of those involved?

Does it increase distributive justice?

Review the background materials and do some research on the political dramas at HP. There is a lot written about HP’s many dramas over the years; here are some articles to get you started:

Pearlstein, S. (2011, Sep 25). How HP, Silicon Valley’s darling, became a soap opera. The Washington Post

Veverka, M. (2011). The soap opera at HP continues. Barron’s, 91(39), 25.

Kessler, M. (2006, Sep 08). Controversial HP probe started under Fiorina; stock falls as board continues public feud. USA Today [ProQuest]

Harwell, D. & Paquette, D. (2015, Sep 27). Fiorina’s divisive legacy. Washington Post. [EBSCOhost]

Once you have finished reviewing the background materials and have completed your research on HP’s internal politics, write a 4-page paper addressing the following issues:

What individual and organizational factors of HP and its senior leaders led to the intense political behavior? Refer to some of the specific factors discussed on pages 877-883 of Robbins (1997) that you think apply the most to HP in this situation.

What types of political behaviors did HP’s board members and CEOs exhibit? Be specific and use the types of political behaviors discussed in pages 297-301 of Luthans et al. (2015).

Were the leaks to the press by members of the board ethical? Was the investigation by Patricia Dunn into the links ethical? Use the ethical framework discussed on pages 896-898 of Robbins (1997) to guide your answerThe PowerPoint about the architecture of the Venetian in Las Vegas
I’m studying for my Powerpoint class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

It’s a only 5-minute presentation, which means it’s not too complicated and complex.

This is a group work and you have to log in my google docs in order to get started on the PowerPoint. The ppt should include the design, layout, geomancy, interior, exterior of the Venetian in Las Vegas or other aspects that you think is necessary to talk about. Besides, you need to find a two-minute video about the Venetian and put it in the PowerPoint. What’s more, create good and interesting questions in the last slides of PowerPoint (list of 4 True and False questions/answers, 2 multiple choice) Last, included at the end of the ppt at least 3 APA style references.POLS 2305 government power: assignment help online
I don’t understand this Political Science question and need help to study.

Government is the term used to describe the formal institutions through which decisions about the “allocation of resources are made and conflicts are resolved.” Our government also has the authority to force us to comply with these decisions. Do you think there are some areas of decision-making that should be off limits? Should there be limits to the types of power that government has to force compliance with decisions? For instance, should the government be able to tax without limits? Use the death penalty? If you believe limits should exist, provide specific examples and justify your position. If you do not think that limits should exist, justify that position as well.

Although you can provide your thoughts to the two examples in my description (tax without limits, death penalty), you must include your own examples for credit to the Topic.

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