Visual map for the developments

Develop a visual map for the developments described in the
text. Please illustrate how the developments evolved and why the evolved in
the specific way outlined below.
Excerpt from: “CommPack – From the history of an enterprise” (Rolf Dubs /
Johannes Rüegg-Stürm)1
“CommPack AG is a joint-stock company that has its manufacturing base in
Switzerland and is a leading producer of packaging supplying markets in Europe
and in the US. It is a wholly owned family business, and as such is owned in equal
shares by three of the founder’s family lines.
The company was established just over 40 years ago by a merchant who started his
business in metal goods with the manufacture of sheet-metal ammunition boxes and
cartridges. He soon extended his activities to tins, which were subject to continual
technical improvement. They were joined by further sheet-metal goods such as pails,
cigarette tins and packaging, packaging for sweets, etc.
In April 1991 the second generation of the family, who took over the management in
the mid-1980s, decided to expand their activities by the acquisition of firms from the
packaging industry, i.e. to diversify. Thus the profits that had been put aside (the
company’s reserves) were used to acquire a tube manufacturer (medical, cosmetic
and toothpaste tubes), a glassware manufacturer (special glass packaging), a foil
manufacturer (foils for flexible foodstuff packaging) and a plastics manufacturer
(plastic packaging). Added to this, they developed and set up their own department
for plastic bottle caps. All these companies were run as independent joint-stock
companies by a chief executive offi

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