• Virtual Activities are to occur during the student’s work in specific Units.

• Virtual Activities are to occur during the student’s work in specific Units.
• Activities may include responses to questions, reviews of videos or assigned documents.
• VAs that require writing are to be submitted to Turnitin so that you can adjust your draft and ensure your work is original and has a very low similarity score. See the related Instructions under the Assignment tab for Turnitin.
• All VAs that require writing will be completed in APA formatting, double spaced, 2.5 centimetres margins on all sides and in 12 point font (Calibri or New Times Roman only), however, no Title page or References page is required except for the Case Note) though your name should be added.
• Writing less than the minimum page length suggested usually results in lower marks.
Virtual Activity #1 (Unit 2) (2%) Due by the start of your Unit 2 class
Instructions: Read the Ellison article posted to Unit 1 and comment on at least one aspect of the Recovery model (Ellison- Reading) and its changing concepts that interests you or surprised you. Submit to Turnitin.

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