Unit II Journal


Identify three common and three conflicting goals of companies and unions. Explain how these goals may be unique to different industries. How might they be the same within industries? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length.

Companies and labor unions often have conflicting goals due to their different perspectives and interests. These conflicts arise from the inherent differences in their roles and objectives within the employment relationship.

  1. Economic Goals:
    • Companies: Businesses aim to maximize profits, increase market share, and achieve financial success. They focus on cost-efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in order to generate higher returns for their shareholders.
    • Unions: Labor unions advocate for the interests of workers and prioritize fair wages, benefits, job security, and improved working conditions. They strive to protect the rights and welfare of employees and ensure a fair distribution of economic benefits.
  2. Management Control:
    • Companies: Management seeks flexibility and autonomy in decision-making to adapt to market conditions, implement cost-cutting measures, and drive organizational objectives. They aim to maintain managerial control over business operations.
    • Unions: Unions often push for more employee involvement in decision-making processes, seeking a voice in matters that affect workers’ interests. They aim to secure collective bargaining rights and influence workplace policies to protect workers’ rights.
  3. Labor Costs:
    • Companies: Employers strive to manage labor costs effectively to maintain profitability and remain competitive. They may seek to minimize labor expenses, including wages, benefits, and other compensation, to optimize their cost structure.
    • Unions: Labor unions advocate for fair compensation, including higher wages, improved benefits, and job security. They resist attempts by companies to reduce labor costs that may come at the expense of workers’ well-being.
  4. Job Security:
    • Companies: Businesses focus on maintaining flexibility in the workforce to adapt to changing market demands, technological advancements, and cost considerations. This may involve restructuring, downsizing, or outsourcing to achieve operational efficiency.
    • Unions: Job security is a significant concern for unions, as they strive to protect their members’ employment stability and resist actions that could lead to layoffs, redundancies, or job insecurity.
  5. Working Conditions and Safety:
    • Companies: Employers have an obligation to provide a safe and productive work environment for their employees. However, conflicts may arise when companies prioritize cost-cutting measures or productivity over investing in adequate safety measures or improving working conditions.
    • Unions: Labor unions prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of workers. They may advocate for stronger safety regulations, improved working conditions, and protections against hazardous or exploitative practices.
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