UEENEEE011C: Develop Design Briefs for Electrotechnology Projects- Report Writing Assignment

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Report Writing Assignment:


This unit covers developing requirement to be incorporated in to the design of electrotechnology projects. It encompasses determining the safety requirements to be met, establishing client expectations, ensuring cost effective solutions are pursued and documenting design requirements.
1. Establishing the scope and parameters of the project.
2. Determining the impact of other related works.
3. Developing design brief incorporating scenarios and all requirements.
4. Identifying competencies required for the project.
5. Documenting project plan proposal.
6. Negotiating alterations to the proposed design brief successfully.
7. Obtaining approval of the final brief.

You are to develop a customer service and complaints policy for your project. The policy will show an understanding of enterprise customer relations protocols related to a project to an extent indicated by the following aspects;
1. safety requirements met
2. client expectations established
3. cost effective solutions are pursued and assured
4. design requirements documentation
Work is to be consistent with the expectations of the level of the course. In this case, work must comply with the following conditions;
1. Free from spelling and grammatical errors. (spell check your work)
2. Use the correct sentence and paragraph conventions.
3. Unless specifically stated, do not use bullet points
4. No slang or colloquialisms
5. Use systematic and analytical processes to address problems
6. Present information using structure and language to suit the audience
7. Use active listening and questioning and reading of verbal and non-verbal signals to clarify information and to confirm understanding
8. Prepare and produce documentation for a specific audience using clear and detailed language to convey explicit information, requirements and recommendations
9. Research and critically analyse documentation from a variety of sources to determine requirements

Uploaded By : jack
Posted on : February 10th, 2018
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