This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.
Criteria Excellent
Needs Improvement
Needs Significant Improvement
Missing or Unacceptable
Criterion Score
Introduction or Overview for the Report
15 points
Provided an excellent overview of the problem (security and privacy concerns arising from implementation of a new technology). The introduction was clear, concise, and accurate. Writer appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources
13.5 points
Provided an outstanding overview of the problem (security and privacy concerns arising from implementation of a new technology). The introduction was clear and accurate. Writer appropriately used information from at least 2 authoritative sources
12 points
Provided an acceptable overview of the problem (implementation of a new technology). Mentioned the security and privacy concerns. Writer appropriately used information from authoritative sources
10 points
Provided an overview but the section lacked important details about the problem. Information from authoritative sources was cited and used in the overview.
6 points
Attempted to provide an introduction to the research report but this section lacked detail, was off topic, and/or was not well supported by information drawn from authoritative sources.
0 points
The introduction and/or overview sections of the paper were missing.
Score of Introduction or Overview for the Report,/ 15
Analysis: Use Cases for the Technology
20 points
Provided an excellent overview / introduction to the new technology. Fully described at least one of the use cases. Clearly identified five or more types of personal / private information or data collected, stored, processed, and transmitted in conjunction with the use case. Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources.
18 points
Provided an outstanding overview / introduction to the new technology. Partially described one of the use cases and identified three or more types of personal / private information or data collected, stored, processed, and transmitted in conjunction with the use case. Appropriately used information from 2 or more authoritative sources.
16 points
Provided an acceptable overview / introduction to the new technology. Mentioned at least one of the use cases and identified some types of personal / private information or data collected, stored, processed, and transmitted in conjunction with the use case. Appropriately used information from authoritative sources.
14 points
Provided a discussion of a use case for the technology. Identified at least one type of personal or private information collected or stored. Information from authoritative sources was cited and used.
7 points
Attempted to provide information about the technology. The discussion was significantly lacking in detail and/or was not well supported by information drawn from authoritative sources.
0 points
This section was missing, off topic, or failed to provide information about the technology.
Score of Analysis: Use Cases for the Technology,/ 20
Analysis: Privacy and Security Issues
15 points
Provided an excellent analysis of five or more privacy and security issues related to the use case. The analysis was presented in a clear, concise, and accurate manner. Identified and discussed at least three relevant laws which could impact the planned use. Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources.
13.5 points
Provided an outstanding analysis of three or more privacy and security issues related to the use case. The analysis was presented in a clear and accurate manner. Identified and discussed at least two relevant laws which could impact the planned use. Appropriately used information from 2 or more authoritative sources.
12 points
Provided an acceptable analysis of two or more privacy and security issues related to the use case. The analysis was presented in a clear, concise, and accurate manner. Identified and discussed at least one relevant law which could impact the planned use. Appropriately used information from authoritative sources.
10 points
Provided a discussion of the technology and mentioned at least one planned use (use case). Information from authoritative sources was cited and used.
6 points
Attempted to provide information about the technology. The discussion was significantly lacking in detail and/or was not well supported by information drawn from authoritative sources.
0 points
This section was missing, off topic, or failed to provide information about the technology or a relevant use case.
Score of Analysis: Privacy and Security Issues,/ 15
Best Practice Recommendations: People, Processes, Policies and Technologies
15 points
Provided an excellent discussion of at least five best practice based recommendations for ensuring that privacy and security concerns are addressed before the technology is put into use by the company. Included at least one recommendation in each of the following categories:
The discussion appropriately used information from three or more authoritative sources.
13.5 points
Provided an outstanding discussion of at least four best practice based recommendations ensuring that privacy and security concerns are addressed before the technology is put into use by the company. Included at least one recommendation in three of the following categories:
The discussion appropriately used information from two or more authoritative sources.
12 points
Provided an acceptable discussion of at least three best practice based recommendations for ensuring that privacy and security concerns are addressed before the technology is put into use by the company. Included at least one recommendation in two of the following categories:
The discussion appropriately used information from authoritative sources.
10 points
Identified 2 or more best practices for preventing / responding to privacy and security concerns associated with the planned uses of the technology. Included at least one recommendation in two or more of the following categories:
The discussion appropriately used information from authoritative sources.
6 points
Attempted to provide information about best practices for addressing privacy and/or security concerns. OR, the discussion was not well supported by information from authoritative sources.
0 points
Discussion of best practices was missing or lacked relevancy to the topic of privacy and security for the planned uses of the technology.
Score of Best Practice Recommendations: People, Processes, Policies and Technologies,/ 15
Summary of Recommendations
10 points
The closing section provided an excellent summary of the issues and best-practice based recommendations for ensuring that security and privacy requirements are met.
8.5 points
The closing section provided an outstanding summary of the issues and best-practice based recommendations for ensuring that security and privacy requirements are met.
7 points
The closing section provided an acceptable summary of the issues and best-practice based recommendations for ensuring that security and privacy requirements are met.
6 points
The closing section provided some information summarizing the issues and recommendations but lacked detail or was disorganized.
4 points
A closing section was provided but was not relevant OR was not well supported by information from authoritative sources.
0 points
Did not provide a summary or closing section.
Score of Summary of Recommendations,/ 10
Professionalism: Addressed security issues using standard cybersecurity terminology
5 points
Demonstrated excellence in the integration of standard cybersecurity terminology into the report.
4 points
Provided an outstanding integration of standard cybersecurity terminology into the report.
3 points
Integrated standard cybersecurity terminology into the into the report.
2 points
Used standard cybersecurity terminology but this usage was not well integrated with the discussion.
1 point
Misused standard cybersecurity terminology.
0 points
Did not integrate standard cybersecurity terminology into the discussion.
Score of Professionalism: Addressed security issues using standard cybersecurity terminology,/ 5
Professionalism: Consistent Use and Formatting for Citations and Reference List
5 points
Work contains a reference list containing entries for all cited resources. Sufficient information is provided to allow a reader to find and retrieve the cited sources. Reference list entries and in-text citations are consistently and correctly formatted using an appropriate citation style (APA, MLA, etc.).
4 points
Work contains a reference list containing entries for all cited resources. Sufficient information is provided to allow a reader to find and retrieve the cited sources. One or two inconsistencies or errors in format for in-text citations and/or reference list entries.
3 points
Work contains a reference list containing entries for all cited resources. Sufficient information is provided to allow a reader to find and retrieve the cited sources. No more than 5 inconsistencies or errors in format for in-text citations and/or reference list entries.
2 points
Work has no more than three paragraphs with omissions of citations crediting sources for facts and information. Work contains a reference list containing entries for cited resources. Work contains no more than 10 inconsistencies or errors in format.
1 point
Work attempts to credit sources but demonstrates a fundamental failure to understand and/or consistently apply a professional formatting style for the reference list and/or citations.
0 points
Reference list is missing. Work demonstrates an overall failure to incorporate and/or credit authoritative sources for information used in the paper.
Score of Professionalism: Consistent Use and Formatting for Citations and Reference List,/ 5
Professionalism: Organization & Appearance
5 points
Submitted work shows outstanding organization and the use of color, fonts, titles, headings and sub-headings, etc. is appropriate to the assignment type.
4 points
Submitted work has minor style or formatting flaws but still presents a professional appearance. Submitted work is well organized and appropriately uses color, fonts, and section headings (per the assignment’s directions).
3 points
Organization and/or appearance of submitted work could be improved through better use of fonts, color, titles, headings, etc. OR Submitted work has multiple style or formatting errors. Professional appearance could be improved.
2 points
Submitted work has multiple style or formatting errors. Organization and professional appearance need substantial improvement.
1 point
Submitted work meets minimum requirements but has major style and formatting errors. Work is disorganized and needs to be rewritten for readability and professional appearance.
0 points
No work submitted.
Score of Professionalism: Organization & Appearance,/ 5
Professionalism: Execution
10 points
No formatting, grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors.
8.5 points
Work contains minor errors in formatting, grammar, spelling or punctuation which do not significantly impact professional appearance.
7 points
Errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, or punctuation which detract from professional appearance of the submitted work.
6 points
Submitted work has numerous errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Work is unprofessional in appearance.
4 points
Submitted work is difficult to read / understand and has significant errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, punctuation, or word usage.
0 points