This portion is nonotechnology and food addivtivties with 5 sources IS A DRAFT A

This portion is nonotechnology and food addivtivties with 5 sources
IS A DRAFT AND NEEDS MUCH MORE WORK!! Please help fill in the gaps of information and contribute to the discussion so we can successfully post this by midnight! Please address the following:
1) For each category we need to elaborate. We have a lot of facts, but we need more discussion about each category, what our product is, how we use it, what’s in our product, etc.
2) Our distribution process. I entered some facts about what it entails, how can we manage our distribution operations to be successful?
Group 1 – Nanotechnology: Food Industry
Nanotechnology science is present in many industries including the food industry. Nanotechnology has been used in a variety of ways including food production, food processing, nutrition, food safety and quality, and packaging (Henchion et al., 2019). Our group has decided to focus on three different categories including nutraceuticals, nanopesticides, and nanotechnology in food additives to increase shelf life and safety.
Nanotechnology is used in pesticides with a wide array of benefits for both plants and workers. “Nanoencapsulation of pesticides involves manipulating the outer shell properties of a capsule allowing slow and controlled release of the active ingredient, and therefore delivering more effective control over certain pests at lower dosage rates and over a prolonged period of time. Nanopesticides can increase the dispersion and wettability of agricultural formulations (i.e. decreased chemical run-off) and unwanted pesticide movement. Other potential benefits of nanoencapsulated pesticides include increased solubility and decreased contact of active ingredients with farm workers” (Hanford et al., 2014).
Nutraceuticals are designed to combat lifestyle diseases such as obesity and diabetes, while being used to promote health and the proper absorption of nutrients. “A number of applications support this aim, e.g. nanosizing food ingredients and additives to achieve greater efficacy in addressing certain nutrient deficiencies and treating chronic diseases, nanotechnology-based nutrient and supplement delivery systems (nutraceuticals), and microencapsulation of nutrients and supplements to enhance their sensory characteristics or to protect bioactive compounds and enhance their stability” (de Francisco & García-Estepa, 2018). Diabetes, obesity, and hypertension can directly be addressed through the development of specific nutritional diets for different target groups, aging populations, and lifestyles, and uphold food production sustainability (Sahani & Sharma, 2021).
Nanotechnology is used in food additives to increase shelf life and safety of consumption. “Nanotechnology applications (e.g. silver nanoparticles) are being developed for use within food processing systems to kill microorganisms without adding to the problem of growing antibacterial resistance” (Duncan, 2011). Nanotechnology has extensive uses in food processing such as protection from contamination, increase shelf life through preservatives, increasing the taste through the significantly increased amount of surface area the flavors will have when on the nanoscale, and various other uses (Bajpai, Chand, & Chaurasia, 2012). Nanotechnology has many advantages to the food industry. It has the potential to influence the science of food in a positive way by generating an innovative texture, preserving the taste, process ability, and stability during shelf-life. Placing emphasizes on safety, nanotechnology is widely used in the food industry, it increases the shelf-life and reduces the extent of wastage of food due to the microbial infestation (Pradhan, 2015). Using nanotechnology in the food processing allows us to achieve high bioavailability, protect food from moisture, lipids, gases, off flavors, and odors (Hesham, 2017).
Our branch of nanotechnology will be a distributor. As a distributor, we will be overseeing the successful movement of goods from the manufacturer to the point of sale (Hayes, 2020). The activities involved in distribution management include warehouse storage, inventory control, logistics management, packaging, transportation, and channel management (Picincu, 2020). We will ensure that our products are kept at safe storage temperatures as to not damage any contents.

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