This essay is an informative essay for the college admission committee to unders

This essay is an informative essay for the college admission committee to understand my background and situation.
things to be articulated:
1. I live in a boarding house where internet access is not up to the mark.
During the school days, we are not allowed to leave the boarding house. Due to this security protocol, i was not able to participate in any extracurriculars apart from what was present in school until Covid. When covid happened we were sent home and boarding got closed for almost an year. Only during this time I got interested in the extracurriculars and participated in extracurriculars extensively.
Information for the writer:
I scored horrible until class 10. After class 10, from 11, I have consistently remained at the highest position in my class- except for class 12 mid term examinations.
Class- 10 a*a*a*a*aacc
Class 11 a*a*a*
Class 12 bcb
These are my scores. So i want to say that I used to not give much importance to the grades until class 10. I accept that i was not good in academics in my past. But from class 11 I have been working hard.
In class 12, I had many family responsibilities due to which i was not able to study for exams. Also, there were issue with the internet so I could not attend online classes during this phase.
I want to show that I have improved. I am a sincere student now and the most recent class 12 score do not represent my sincerity.

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