This assignment has two objectives: (a) to describe the challenges in data colle

This assignment has two objectives: (a) to describe the challenges in data collection and encourage you to think through these challenges and describe alternative ways of capturing, defining, and using the data; and (b) to coach you to use the data for decision making.
Here is an overview of steps to proceed with the assignment. The steps themselves are individual pages accessed by clicking Next below or going back to Assignment 2 module.
Begin by reading the case (PDF file) and reviewing the raw data is available in the Excel file posted under STEP 1: Case and Excel Data. Develop an understanding of the problem and how the intern is approaching to solve it. Start developing your spreadsheet.
Review the FAQ document which includes a sampling of questions from the assignment quiz.
Verify your calculations. Supplier complexity (or criticality) value for a few suppliers are posted as a separate item (go back to the assignment module and click on STEP 2: Verify your answers) so you can check you calculations against it. If your calculations do not match, try again. If you need help, follow the instructions in STEP 3: Verify your answers to send me an email with your detailed work (not your spreadsheet but your detailed calculations).
After you calculations match and your spreadsheet is set up, ensure that you are able to correctly sort your spreadsheet from highest to lowest or vice versa as you are taking the assignment quiz.
Take the extra credit quiz related to the assignment. If you struggle with any of the questions on the extra credit quiz, I strongly recommend you email me in a timely manner.
In a Word document, type your answers to the questions at the end of the assignment.
Take the quiz A2. STEP 6: Supplier Complexity (Assignment 2) Assignment Quiz.
To answer the questions on the quiz, you will need your Excel file for both Ingrid’s analysis and ABC analysis (that you should be able to sort on a variety of fields) and the Word document with the answers compiled in Step 5. Note that you do NOT need to upload your Excel file.
STEP 2: Review FAQ for SC Complexity
How to do ABC Analysis?
RESPONSE: Sort by EUR volume (high to low). Pick top 20%. So, if there are 80 suppliers, top 20% is 16 suppliers.
How to pick top 20% based on Ingrid’s model?
RESPONSE: The same as for ABC analysis. Sort by total (criticality/complexity) values or average supplier complexity/criticality score (total of the four values/4). Pick top 20%.
Rounding? Decimal places for answers?
RESPONSE: For supplier complexity/criticality values, round up/down correctly. Use 5 decimal places for your answer and then round to four decimal places. Use the average of total supplier score (sum of four measures/4).
Example: If your answer is 0.34561, use 0.3456. If your answer is 0.34568, use 0.3457.
Where do i find these items recommended to have on hand completed before the quiz?Jul
RESPONSE: To answer the questions on the quiz, you will need your Excel file (with spreadsheets for Ingrid’s analysis and ABC analysis) and the Word document with the answers to the questions at the end of the case. Note that you will not need to upload your Excel file.
Can you give us an idea of the type of questions on the assignment quiz that are based on the Excel file.
RESPONSE: A few representative questions follow:
Which is the top #3 supplier in terms of SI?
Which is the top #13 supplier in terms of the average total value?
What is the average value for supplier #15 (sorted largest to smallest)?
What is the average value for third most critical supplier?
Which is the top #5 supplier based on the ABC analysis?
Note that there will be variations of these questions, not these questions as is If you Excel sheet is ready, you should be able to answer these questions without any difficulty.
Question from the assignment: “What other items might you include in each one of the four broad measures of SR, SM, SI, and SD? For each item, identify how you will quantify and use the data?”
RESPONSE: Think of other ways to measure SR, SM, SI, and SD.
For SR, the authors used “not on time deliveries/total deliveries”. Is there another item that also reflects SR. I could, for example say, that number of items defective/total items is an item to measure reliability.
For SM, the authors use distance. I could say, that language could be used. Use 0 for same language, 0.5 for similar language, and 1 for different languages.
You may not use the examples provided above in your answer if you submit your assignment after the posting time of this update (1:45 am on 7/26). If your assignment was submitted before the above, it is okay.
Where can I find the total number of product variants for Supplier Importance (SI).
The total number of product variants is given in the text (pdf file) of the case.
Where can I find the data for individual suppliers and/or EUR volume.
This questions usually arises if a student fails to notice that there are two sheets in the Excel file. One with supplier data needed for calculations using Ingrid’s guidelines and the other with purchase volume.
Below is an article that goes deeper into the assignment if you are interested.
Here is the link to the article (opens in another window): IJPDLM Supplier Complexity (Links to an external site.)
When or how we would get the formulas needed to complete the upcoming assignments?
The case (PDF) describes how to do the calculations.
What do I need before I start with the assignment quiz?
Your spreadsheet with supplier calculations based on Ingrid’s model that can be easily sorted on different columns.
Your spreadsheet with the ABC analysis that can be easily sorted.
Your word document with answers to the questions at the end of the case.
Verify your calculations
Verify your calculations
The average value of the four categories determines the overall supplier criticality or complexity.
Supplier 3002; complexity/criticality value = 0.37215 rounded to 0.3722
Supplier 3158: complexity/criticality value = 0.16517 rounded to 0.1652
Supplier 3138: complexity/criticality value = 0.39793 rounded to 0.3979
If your answers do not match, read the case and try again from scratch.

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