Then read and annotate the article and answer these questions in the form of a w

Then read and annotate the article and answer these questions in the form of a well-written paragraph:
Would most educated people consider CNBC to be a basically credible, or reputable, mainstream news source?
What are Kelley Holland’s credentials? (You need to do some informal research online.) Based on these credentials, is she a credible source?
Who is Johnny? (The answer is not stated in the article but is clearly implied.)
A title should indicate the author’s topic. Which key word in the title of this article indicates Holland’s topic?
A title should also indicate the author’s position on his or her topic, either pro or con. Pro means “in favor” and con means “against.” Which key word in the title of this article indicates Holland’s position?
Which is the strongest, most aggressive word in the title?
Does this word indicate a pro (positive) or con (negative) position on the topic? Explain.
With all of this in mind, in one sentence summarize Holland’s thesis or main argument. (It is not stated but is clearly implied.)
What are three credible sources that Holland cites in her article in order to enhance her own credibility and to support her argument?
According to Holland, what is the type of writing that is most important in the business world? (Please note that this is the kind of writing you will be learning how to do in English 1302 this semester.)

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