The topic for this essay is: Where was slavery most prominent in mainland coloni

The topic for this essay is:
Where was slavery most prominent in mainland colonial North America? Where was it least practiced? How did the practice of slavery differ from one colonial region to the next? How did it differ in cities versus the countryside? What explains the difference in terms of slavery’s practice and prevalence in these various places?
These are the sources I was assigned for the essay
My primary source was also cited in the textbook,
“Rose Davis Is Sentenced to a Life of Slavery, 1715.” The
American Yawp Reader,
Accessed 13 June 2022.
My 5 Primary Source
“HIST 1301 American Yawp – Chapter Eleven: The Cotton Revolution.”, Accessed 13 June 2022.
“The Origin of Race in the USA.”, Accessed 13 June 2022.
“HIST 1301 American
Yawp – Chapter Four: Colonial Society.”,
Accessed 13 June 2022.
Video that is attached to the book “The Thirteen Colonies”
Written/Hosted/ Prodused by: Tom Richey, The Thirteen Colonies (Colonial America – US History EOC Review – USHC 1.1) published in June 21 2015,
Print of the Slave Ship Brookes. The American Yawp Reader. (n.d.). Retrieved June
13, 2022, from

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