The Protestant Reformation and The Atlantic Revolutions

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“In the early sixteenth century the Protestant Reformation shattered the unity of Roman Catholic Christianity, which for the previous 1000 years had provided the cultural and organizational foundation” (Strayer pg. 426). The Protestant Reformation began in 1517 when a German priest, Martin Luther, publicity invited debate about various abuses within the Roman Catholic Church in Wittenberg. The protestants and the catholic have a lot of differences, for example in the Protestant idea that all vocations were of equal merit, middle class urban population found a new religious legitimacy for their growing role in society since the Roman Catholic Church was associated in their eyes with the rural and feudal world of aristocratic privilege. Although a large number of women were attracted to Protestantism, reformation teaching and practices did not offer them a substantially greater role in the Church or society.
While some Europeans were actively attempting to spread the Christian faith to distant corners of the world, others were nurturing an understanding of the cosmos at least partially at odds with traditional Christian teaching. These were the makers of Europe’s Scientific Revolution a vast intellectual and cultural transformation that took place between the mid sixteenth and early eighteenth centuries. The long term significance of the Scientific Revolution can hardly be overestimated. Science was also used to legitimize gender and racial inequalities giving new support to old ideas about the natural inferiority of women and enslaved people. The Scientific Revolution was revolutionary because it fundamentally challenged this understanding of the universe. The achievements of the Scientific Revolution spread globally becoming the most widely sought after product of European culture and far more desired than Christianity, democracy, socialism, or Western literature.
The numbers of people that was growing they believed that the long term outcome of scientific development would be enlightenment a term that has come to define the eighteenth century in Europeans history. “What is Enlightenment, it is man’s emergence from his self imposed. The central theme of the Enlightenment and what made it potentially revolutionary was the idea of progress” (Strayer pg. 445). Science and Enlightenment they challenged religion and for some they eroded religious belief and practice. They just thought that the religion persisted adapted and revived for many others.
The Atlantic revolutions shared a set of common ideas, as the Atlantic basin became a world of intellectual and cultural exchange.In the world of the Atlantic Revolutions ideas born of the Enlightenment generated endless controversy. A final distinctive feature of the Atlantic revolution lies in their immense global impact extending well beyond the Atlantic world.
“The Ideals that animated these Atlantic revolution inspired efforts in many countries to abolish slavery, to extend the right to vote, to develop constitutions, and to sucure greater equality for women” (Strayer pg. 457). Nationalism perhaps the most potent ideology of the modern era, was nurtured in the Atlantic revolutions and shaped much of nineteenth and twentieth century world history.
The Protestant Reformation and the Scientific Revolution both have connections by the Christianity, the scientific revolution have connections with the Enlightenment and the Enlightenment have the connections with the Atlantic revolution, the last two the connections that have in common are the ideas that animated the Atlantic revolution and those ideas derived for the Europeans Enlightenment.
The scientific revolution and the protestant reformation the connection was the Christianity and these was because on both sides they were people that believe in god. One of the most important connections between these two was that The Protestant Reformation was one of the most influential for the scientific revolution. In the  religious aspects were supplemented by ambitious political rulers who wanted to extend their power and control at the expense of the Church. The Reformation ended the unity imposed by medieval Christianity and, in the eyes of many historians, signaled the beginning of the modern era.
At the end all these the protestant Reformation, the scientific revolution, the Enlightenment and the atlantic revolution have something in common.

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