The Influence of Buddhism on World History

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The influence of Buddhism on World History Buddhism has had a profound effect on world history as we know it. Buddhism originated in India, and eventually spread throughout the world in countries such as: Japan, Indonesia, and Afghanistan. The effects that the religion has made on world history are impossible to estimate. The biggest mark that Buddhism has left on world history is its teachings and organization. Buddhist beliefs have taught many people of the ‘Four Noble Truths’ and ‘Eight-Fold Path’ and aided many in their journeys to end personal suffering. These teachings have helped Buddhists get in touch with themselves and have given answers to many common problems in our modern world. One of the biggest ideas in Buddhism is that you must end all desire if you wish to free yourself of suffering.
Furthermore, Buddhists believe that if you do good, you shall receive good, and vice versa. These ideals are important to the history of Buddhism because they allowed the religion to become adaptable, influencing the spread of the religion throughout Asia. and offering consolation that other religions did not give. It also introduced a culture of compassion into societies where survival depended on social status and where poverty was cruelly abundant. The religion did not only have a social affect, but also a political effect as countries such as Thailand, Burma, and Tibet became Buddhist kingdoms. Asia was completely changed by Perez 7Buddhism. A monastic culture was established and created not only a new social structure, but also a new ideal. Buddhist practices spread throughout the societies in which Buddhism took root.
As Buddhism continued to expand, it eventually spread to the west. On the one hand, Asian immigrants brought Buddhism with them and established places of warship. On the other, Western travelers and scholars who took interest in Buddhism contributed to the growth of the religion and the spread of religion outside of Asia. In many cases, entire classrooms at many universities were established for these people to pursue their interest in Buddhism. Buddhist philosophy, art, and architecture found a new growth. Buddhist psychology and the ideal of non-violence plays important role in some segments of the Western societies as well.
A new monastic culture was established and secures a steady flow of ideas between the east and the West. In conclusion, Buddhism has had a tremendous effect on world history. It has not only shown both social and political influence throughout the world but has been a major factor in many people’s lives as it has saved them from extremely cruel religions and given them a chance to achieve nirvana. Furthermore, it has affected art, culture, and architecture in many cities throughout the years. Although there is no true way to measure the impact of Buddhism on world history, there is no denying that Buddhism has single handedly changed each country that is has been spread within.

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