The Electoral College Should Be Terminated

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The electoral college should be terminated because it ignores the will of the people. There are over 300 million people in the United States, but only 538 of them decide who will be president. In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton won popular vote, but did not become president.
It feels more like, oh, 17 years — the last time, incidentally, that the American people chose one candidate for president and the Electoral College imposed the other. Most importantly, decades and decades of polling has showed that Americans prefer that the president is chosen directly by the people and not by 538 electoral college members six weeks after Election Day.
The electoral college should be terminated because the reasons for which the founding fathers created it are no longer relevant, the electoral college gives too much power to the swing states, and allows the presidential election to be decided by a handful of states.
The electoral college should be terminated because the reasons for which the founding fathers created it are no longer relevant. Technology allows voters to get information about the elections that the founding fathers may have not foreseen.
The electoral college was created in 1787. Environmental and Economic conditions have changed a lot since then. The majority vote of the Americans should determine would becomes president. Overall, that is what makes sense. 538 representatives should not choose America’s future, the American’s should.
The electoral college should be terminated because the electoral college gives too much power to the swing states. The two main political parties can count on winning elections in certain states. For example, in California the democratic party wins the elections most of the time. Also, in Indiana the Republican party wins most of the time, without worrying about the actual popular vote totals. Presidential candidates only need to worry about a limited number of states that can swing one way or another because of the electoral college.
The electoral college needs some fixing, just like it needed fixing shortly after it was released in 1787. The original system allowed the voters to make two votes. The top two winners would become the president and the vice president in 1796 and 1800. At this time, the electoral college quickly fell apart and it inflamed an already bad relationship between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. The 12th Amendment was ratified in 1804 to allow separate votes for President and Vice President. This tradition is continued today.
The electoral college should be terminated because it does not give an exact distribution of the votes according to the state. A majority is never guaranteed with the Electoral College. An election with no electoral college majority could occur in two ways. One outcome could be if two candidates split the total of electoral votes evenly (with 538 electoral votes as of 2009, a tie would mean a split of 269-269.) Another outcome could be if three or more candidates receive sufficient electoral votes to deny one candidate a majority.
However, a majority winner is not guaranteed in Congress either. The states could easily carry out and split their votes equally between 2 candidates. The votes could also be split between three candidates in such a way that no candidate receives a majority.
The electoral college should be terminated because the reasons for which the founding fathers created it are no longer relevant, the electoral college gives too much power to the swing states and allows the presidential election to be decided by a handful of states. There is a movement that encourages the states to split their elections. Voters should use our national popular vote to determine the upcoming president. Every American citizen should have a voice in who becomes president and note just solely on the electoral vote.

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