Review the lesson and think about the different factors that can affect organisms. Environmental factors and genetic factors often interact. The population structure and dynamics affect the amount of competition within a population, which would also influence natural selection. In this part, you will design a new marine species and explain what type of adaptations it has.
Write a summary describing your invented marine organism. This information may be presented in either report or presentation format and must include the following:

• The name and type of organism (plant, animal, bacterium, protozoan, or fungus) (2 points)


• What other species the organism is most closely related to (Your species is fictional, but what real species is it most like?) (2 points)


• What ocean zone the organism lives in, including a description of the ecosystem (include temperature, pressure, and light) (2 points)


• The population the organism lives in (How many organisms typically live together?) (2 points)


• Two adaptations the organism has, and how they help it survive in its environment (3 points)

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