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The asignment is to answer the 2 given questions, and each response be 3-4 pages

    The asignment is to answer the 2 given questions, and each response be 3-4 pages long double spaced.
    Please answer both questions below:
    Q1. In the early decades of the twentieth century, American artists challenged dominant cultural narratives by putting forward alternative histories and points of view in their work. Three such examples which we have recently discussed in class are Aaron Douglas’s Aspects of Negro Life, Meta Fuller’s Ethiopia and Grant Wood’s American Gothic. Discuss how each of these works of art from 1920s or 1930s America displaced existing cultural narratives with a novel (or at least revised) perspective and what each artist hoped to accomplish as a result. Length: 3-4 double-spaced pages.
    Q2. One of the goals of the course has been to show how works of art illuminate relationships of power, place and identity in American culture. Throughout the semester, we have seen how art has the capacity to expand and complicate our understanding of what America is historically—as well as how its history continues to shape our experience today. After looking through the readings, Powerpoints and your notes from this semester, choose a handful of specific examples of moments when your understanding of America shifted in some small or significant way. Provide as many details about these moments of insight as possible. At least one example should relate to the history of the local community—Carlisle and/or Dickinson College. One or more examples should come from the first half of the semester. Length: 3-4 double-spaced pages.
    Answers should be thoughtfully composed and carefully edited for grammar and spelling. You should make generous use of course readings as well as class notes and PPT presentations. However, your work should be your own and you should avoid using additional sources beyond those listed above. Be sure to cite the sources that you use, noting relevant pages in parenthesis (eg, “Pohl, 223”). Please include bibliographic references for your sources at the end of the exam. Submit on Moodle as a single file in either Word or PDF format (not Pages).

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