Template for Summary This model expects you to summarize a nonfiction text

Template for Summary This model expects you to summarize a nonfiction text by highlighting the author’s big ideas. This paragraph will eventually become part of your template-based essay. Each big idea must be sufficiently developed with a cluster of information that follows the “idea, proof, commentary” format. The key is that you select the most important information for each big idea rather than writing everything covered in the text. The paragraph must adhere to the following format:
Sentence 1: Topic Sentence – introduces the central idea conveyed by the author
Sentence 2: “Big Idea” – First Big Idea (#1) Sentence 3: “Proof” – Quotation, summary, or paraphrase as evidence to show Big Idea #1
Sentence 4: “Commentary” – a statement of analysis or interpretation (not opinion) that shows the link between Sentence 2 and Sentence 3. This sentence shows your insight into the text.
Sentence 5: “Big Idea” – Second Big Idea (#2)
Sentence 6: “Proof” – Quotation, summary, or paraphrase as evidence to show Big Idea #2
Sentence 7: “Commentary” – a statement of analysis or interpretation (not opinion) that shows the link between Sentence 5 and Sentence 6. This sentence shows your insight into the text.
Sentence 8: “Big Idea” – Third Big Idea (#3)
Sentence 9: “Proof” – Quotation, summary, or paraphrase as evidence to show Big Idea #3
Sentence 10: “Commentary” – a statement of analysis or interpretation (not opinion) that shows the link between Sentence 8 and Sentence 9. This sentence shows your insight into the text.

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