Technology Presentation

You do not have to do the intire doc. you just have to do my part of the powerpoint which is answering these two questions: 1-    CO 8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care. (PO 8) Identify how the use of the technology impacts patient care delivery, quality care measures and monitoring, as well as, risk management (privacy, confidentiality, and security). Based on what you have found in the literature, discuss why the technology has increased effectiveness of patient care and safety. 2-   Discusses the impact of the assigned technology on professional nursing practice and identifies how the use of the assigned technology impacts patient care delivery, quality care measures and monitoring, and risk management clearly Please let me know if you have any question. Please find in attach the entire project. By reading through, you will understand better what has to be done. NB: Only the two question above have to be done in powerpoint silde.   About 8 slides of powerpoint

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