Technological or human induced disaster

For this weeks discussion post we will be talking about technological or human induced disasters that have taken place in the past and their effects afterwards. The technological disaster that I have chosen to talk about is the 1928 St. Francis Dam Disaster which took place in our very own state of California near the city of Los Angeles on March 12, 1928.
In an article by Britannica, the writer states” hat was one of the worst civil engineering failures in American history. The ensuing flood killed hundreds and swept away thousands of acres of fertile land” (Britannica, 2021). The St. Francis Dam was built and completed in 1926 with the purpose of providing a reservoir for the Los Angeles–Owens River aqueduct.
“Several cracks and leaks were observed in the dam and it’s abutments, but Mulholland dismissed these as normal. After the reservoir was filled to capacity for the first time on March 7, 1928, he inspected the dam and proclaimed it safe. Just before midnight on March 12, however, the dam’s massive concrete wall collapsed, sending billions of gallons of water rushing down the canyon toward the Pacific Ocean. The towns of Castaic Junction, Fillmore, Bardsdale, and Piru were flooded, and more than 1,000 houses were damaged or destroyed” (Britannica, 2021).
1. At what point does a technological or man made event become labeled a disaster
“The American College of Emergency Physicians defines disaster as “when the destructive effects of natural or man-made forces overwhelm the ability of a given area or community to meet the demand for health care.” The World Health Organization defines it as “a sudden ecologic phenomenon of sufficient magnitude to require external assistance.” ( Zibulewsky, )
The 1928 St. Francis Dam incident is obviously labeled as a disaster because of the effects it had. As stated above it destroyed more than 1,000 home, many people lost their lives or were in critical condition, and many other things.
5. What nursing interventions would be a priority for these victims?

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