Take home Final Exam. Please all the instruction details will be uploaded in doc

Take home Final Exam.
Please all the instruction details will be uploaded in documents along with:
1.Humanities instructions for exam
2. required title of textbook
3. supplemental textbook titles.
4.Syllabus of readings
5.. Chapter photos (with the readings photographed) from required textbook (that follows syllabus)
5. The Due date is changed as I have til January 24th.
6. The chapters are uploaded in order Ch.9, Ch.10, Ch.11, Ch.12, Ch.13, and Ch.14
7. The chapters are numbered by pages and subject matter to match syllabus. For example: November 10th on syllabus-social concerns and neutral vision…Ch.12 social concerns p.1 and so on.
Please again if there are any questions or concerns please message no matter what time of day or night. Thank you so much for your assistance!
Please could you message me with any specific questions, so I can help.
I am not sure of the format of the essay. I had a previous Humanities paper done in October and I can not recall the format APA or MLA. Whichever format was used in my previous order was correct. Thanks.

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