Summary/review or brief description (as in the three-minute


My topic is autopilot car technology, you should write a research about autopilot car technology and study the ethical issues and applicable ethical theories. First, you should introduce the technology, and then what are the ethical issues caused by this technology.

Then research paper should include:

Summary/review or brief description (as in the three-minute presentation) of the technology
What is autopilot
Who are the users?
What are the benefits to the users?
How does it differ from related/existing technology/work?
Ethical issues
Case studies or examples if applicable and available
Applicable ethical theories
Your viewpoint/opinion on possible solutions to the ethical issues (supported by cited research where available)
Works Cited/Bibliography

At least 1500 words.

The paper should include three categories of ethical theories: Normative ethics, Meta ethics, Applied ethics, and Kan’s theory, Utilitarian Ethics, Social Contract Theory, etc.

I found a pretty good resources from this website, please read this and write something from here

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