Student Instructions: You are an intact family worker with a private child welfa

Student Instructions: You are an intact family worker with a private child welfare agency. The Cedenos were referred to you by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). Your agency’s program goal is to work with families who have come to the attention of DCFS and provide family preservation interventions. DCFS will keep an open case on this family to ensure that they work with your agency. You are asked to make an analysis of the family situation and provide services to the family.
Current Situation: A man called the child abuse hotline to report his concerns about a 3-year-old boy named Sean. The man stated that he was Nina’s co-worker. According to the reporter, Mrs. Nina Cedeno confided in another co-worker that her husband “beat Sean with a belt last night”. Several months ago, Mrs. Cedeno told another co-worker about her husband’s “violent temper”, but this is the first time she has said anything about her son being hurt. According to the reporters, Sean has come into the store where his mother works twice with bruises on his face. On one occasion, Mrs. Cedeno said that her son was very clumsy and that he keeps falling off of a swing at nursery school. The reporter continued by noting that the Cedenos have a 7-year old daughter, Tamara, and she seemed extremely shy. According to the reporter, Sean is enrolled at A New Beginning Child Development Center.
Family Composition: The Cedeno family is Mexican American and consists of: Benjamin who is the father and is 32, Nina who is the mother and is 30, and their two children – their daugher Tamara who is 7, and their son Sean who is 3. The Cedenos live in a two-story garden apartment. The apartment building appears in need of repair.
Family Background: The Cedenos have been married for almost ten years. They met in Texas at a fiesta and have been together ever since. They have a family income of about $32,000 a year. They have not been able to save any money, because they have had to move four times in three years. Their parents were originally from Mexico. The Cedenos are fluent in Spanish and identify as Mexican. Other Mexican families also live in the Cedenos’ apartment complex. However, most of the Cedeno’s family resides in Texas. The Cedenos moved to Brooklyn from Texas about three years ago to find better jobs.
Mrs. Cedeno has two sisters and three brothers, all of whom live in Texas. Her parents recently moved back to Mexico, and she does not see them much. Mr. Cedeno has five older brothers and three younger sisters. Most of his siblings live in Texas and California. He had one older brother and two younger sisters who live about two miles from him. He is very close to his family, but finances have prohibited him from returning to Texas or Mexico to visit other family members. The Cedenos hope to save enough money to move to Mexico.
Brown, V.A. (2002). Child welfare case studies. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon
Mini-Assignment 2: Assessment
Mini-Assignment 2: Assessment is designed to provide social work students with the opportunity to explore assessment in child welfare practice from theoretical and practice perspectives. Please answer the below questions in paragraph form. The paper should be one to two pages in length, double spaced, and use Times New Roman font in a 12-point size.
This assignment is due on Tuesday, June 21st, 2022, 11:59p.
Please upload to Blackboard.
***Late assignments are not accepted***
I. Assessment (Theory)
a. What is the assessment process?
b. When does the assessment process begin?
c. Describe role of the social work professional in the assessment process?
d. What are two (2) ways in which family engagement in assessment is important to child welfare practice? Please explain these two ways using course material to substantiate all points made.
e. What are two (2) factors that can make assessment challenging for the worker, and or the family?
f. How might you, as the social worker be able to mitigate these challenges?
II. Assessment (Practice) Please base the answers to the following questions on the attached vignette.
Describe to role of the social work professional to the child and or the child’s family during the assessment process?
How might you, as the worker engage this child and or the child’s family in the assessment process?
Using the course text, please explain how these approaches are a best fit for this scenario, in particular?
What are two (2) challenges you may encounter in the assessment process with the child and or the child’s family?
Please describe how you can prepare for these challenges.
Sources TO Include in Essay:
Brown, V. A. (2002). Child welfare case studies. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
NCCD (2016). Child abuse and neglect screening and response time assessment policy and procedures manual [PDF file]. Retrieved from:
V.A. (2002). Child welfare case studies. Boston, MA: Allyn Ann Brown
Clements, L., Williams, C., Blevins, J. (2016). Distinguishing Safety and Risk in the Real World: A key skill for every stage in child welfare work. NC Division of Social Services. Retrieved from:
DePanfilis, D. (2006). Child neglect: A Guide for Prevention, Assessment, and Intervention. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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