STU101: Whitehaven City Council – Business Report – Hospitality industry

Added on: 0000-00-00 00:00:00Order Code: Question Task Id: 0

Internal Code: MAS6915
Hospitality Industry:

You are a consultant for a food and beverage association, which you can invent a name to include on your assignment Title page. You have been asked by Whitehaven city council to observe and conduct interviews at a local restaurant on their operations. The council has 30% share of the restaurant.

From your observations, you have found that:

1. The menu has not changed in the last 5 years.

2. The kitchen is messy and a little bit dirty.

3. The waiting staff do not have the proper uniform – some of them do not wear hair covers.

4. The decor is outdated and unappealing.

5. It takes 20 minutes before the food is served.

6. The manager and workers are unfriendly.


1) Write a business report to the council providing them with your findings and recommendations to improve the restaurant. You can also add visuals to emphasize the content of your report.



Uploaded By : celina
Posted on : February 12th, 2018
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