Step 1 Respond to the following prompts using research and your own personal exp

Step 1 Respond to the following prompts using research and your own personal experience. For this post, you must show research in your writing using in-text citations and format your reference using 7th ed. APA.
Read the article: Impaired Nurses: Reclaiming Careers Download Impaired Nurses: Reclaiming Careers Vernarec, E. (2001). Impaired nurses: Reclaiming careers. The Carter Center. file:///Users/rm/Downloads/Impaired_Nurses_Reclaiming_Careers-1.pdf
Research and summarize your state board of nursing’s impaired nurse program?
What are your thoughts on how the problem of impaired nurses should be addressed?
What are your thoughts about disciplinary action being made public on each state’s Board of Registered Nursing (BON) website?
Discuss ways in which the nurse who is impaired mentally or is physically challenged is addressed by your state board or facility.
Please read the article I downloaded below in order to complete the assignment. Please do not use difficult english. Thank you

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