Stakeholders play an important role for a successful change in proposing project implementation

Stakeholders play an important role for a successful change in proposing project implementation.According to the project management institute (PMI), the term stakeholder refers to, “an individual, group, or organization, who may affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project” (PandiPerumal et. al., 2015). When planning to initiate a project, the person or group responsible should determine which departments will be affected by the project and making sure that those departments are well represented among the key stakeholder groups (Kushan, 2017). For example, since my EBP project will be on surgical site infections, I plan to have the operating room (OR) suite, the floors(medical/surgical, intensive care unit [ICU]) where patients are sent to postoperatively, and the patients themselves to be apart of the project. There should be a liaison who makes sure that there are appropriate resources to act between the project group and its stakeholders. Kushan (2017) states that it is also important to consider potential obstacles to a successful implementation and to find stakeholder representatives who have insights to help predict these obstacles. increase. In health care, internal stakeholders operate primarily within the organization and consist of a variety of executives, including health care professionals, managers, and other staff with clinical and non-clinical roles (” Horev & Badad, 2005). Internal stakeholders play a key role in driving successful implementation by providing skills and knowledge and providing appropriate leadership to the organization to enable the proposed changes. (Griffiths, Maggs & George, 2007). Organizations have anesthesiologists, doctors, pharmacists, etc. who treat patients indirectly and directly, so they need to be involved in change. The support and cooperation of the proposed evidencedbased change from internal stakeholders is crucial for success. External stakeholders include patients, suppliers and financial organizations including government, health care insurance providers among others.External stakeholders, such as patients, can contribute to the EBP project by stating their concerns, opinions with the proposal. For example, my patients can contribute to my project by sharing their stories about their surgical site infections and why ithappened. Lastly, there must be continued engagement and communication between the project team and stakeholders in developing effective solutions.In order to acquire the support of my stakeholders, I would use several approaches by first creating awareness about the evidencedbased project. Other strategies to engage stakeholders would be to spend time and effort building trust, understand stakeholders` interests, solicit input from stakeholders, connect in a collaborative way, promote active engagement in establishing metrics and outcomes to be measured.
1.Stakeholder support is necessary for a successful project implementation. Consider your internal stakeholders, such as the facility, unit, or health care setting where the change proposal is being considered, and your external stakeholders, like an individual or group outside the health care setting. Why is their support necessary to the success of your change proposal, and how you will go about securing that support?
2.Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years. There should be a mix between research and your reflections. Add critical thinking in the posts along with research. Apply the material in a substantial way.

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