Stakeholder Engagement 1

Question Description

Stakeholder Engagement and Roles in Strategic Planning

Stakeholders can have a powerful impact on organizationaldecision-making and strategic planning, making stakeholder engagementessential. As a leader and manager of an organization, you will not onlybe tasked with building relationships and engaging key stakeholders,but also identifying their role in the strategic planning process. Inthis Discussion, you examine stakeholder engagement and the role ofstakeholders in strategic planning.

The assignment must be 1-1.5 pages with in-text citations (include page or paragraph number), and include:

Suppose you are an organizational leader trying to developcollaborative support for new strategies. Explain why and how stakeholder engagement is the most critical aspect to consider in terms of stakeholder roles

Must Cite these resources and any other scholarly article to include page and/or paragraph number

Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Chapter 8, “Establishing an Effective Organizational Vision for the Future” (pp. 269-279)

will be provided- Ugboro, I. O., Obeng, K., & Spann, O. (2011). Strategic planning as an effective tool of strategic management in public sector organizations: Evidence from public transit organizations. Administration & Society, 43(1), 87–123.
will be provided- Aguilar, O. (2003). How strategic performance management is helping companies create business value. Strategic Finance, 84(7), 44–49.

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