Error: Unable to write to temporary file. Spc 2608 Write 4 Mins Speech Draft - Ace Assignment

Spc 2608 Write 4 Mins Speech Draft

Question Description

Speech 4: Praise


This final speech is a 3-5 minute presentation that praises or eulogizes a public figure, effort, cause, or accomplishment, which has made some kind of global impact. The rhetorical purpose of this speech is to be both informative and persuasive: the information you present should increase the audience’s knowledge about this figure, effort, cause, or accomplishment and persuade the audience that the person, item, or phenomenon is praiseworthy. For more information about this assignment see the corresponding pages in the handbook.

*You will need the evaluation form from the STUDENT HANDBOOK for this presentation.

Possible Praise Topics:

Ayk Sbaihat, Palestinian Human Rights Lawyer

Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Women Executive Director

UN Women Organization

Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)

Regina José Galindo, Guatamalan Performance Artist

Ana Medieta, Cuban Performance Artist

Tania Bruguera, Cuban Performance Artist

Liu Xiaobo, Chinese writer, critic, and human rights activist

Befeqadu, Ethiopian writer, blogger, human rights activist

Behrouz Boochani, Kurdish journalist, filmmaker, and human rights activist

Mai Khoi, Vietnamese musician

John Logie Baird, Scottish inventor of mechanical television

Tei Shi (Valerie Teicher), Argentian-Colombian musical artist

Diamond (Alice Coelho, Jeni Loyola and Mariana Alves), Brazilian musicians

Zuzuka Poderosa, Indonesian-Brazilian musical artist

Guillermo González Camerena, Mexican electrical engineer, inventor of color wheel

Juliana Rotich, Kenyan Technologist, founder of software platform, (Links to an external site.)

Rapelang Rabana, South African Technologist, co-founder of Yeigo Communications

Nagwa Abdel Meguid, Egyptian Geneticist, identified genetic mutations causing “fragile X” syndrome

Nashwa Eassa, Sudanese Nanoparticle Physicist, founder of “Sudanese Women in Science”

Godliver Businger, Ugandan Civil Engineer, works with “Global Women’s Water Initiative”

Marie Curie, Polish-French physicist and chemist, discoveries and contributions to field of radioactivity

Rita Levi-Montacini, Italian neurologist, awarded Nobel Prize 1986 for discovery of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)

Kazuo Ishiguro: Awarded Nobel Prize in Literature 2017

Svetlana Alexievich: Awarded Nobel Prize in Literature 2015

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN): Awarded Nobel Peace Prize, 2017

Juan Manuel-Santos: Awarded Nobel Peace Prize, 2016

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