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Home » Solve The Relevant Problems Given In Your Research Data This Project Should Contain The Detailed Descriptive And Summary Statistics

Solve The Relevant Problems Given In Your Research Data This Project Should Contain The Detailed Descriptive And Summary Statistics

    Question Description


    1) Identify the variable types of and analyze the “Response_to_self_diriving_car” data and justify

    the reason why you use that specific technique for that specific variable. ( for example, I use a

    bar chart for this variable as it is a categorical, etc.). three is enough

    2) Provide descriptive (summary) statistics for the numerical variables (i.e., mean, Q1, median,

    Q3, IQR, variance, histogram, boxplot, etc.) in “HOUSING_PRICE_DATA” data. And interpret your

    findings and make sure that you report correct/proper metrics in order to provide summary

    statistics (e.g., I calculate the average of “this variable” using mean as it does not have an outlier,


    3) Build 95% confidence interval (CI) for the mean house age in “HOUSING_PRICE_DATA” data

    and interpret CI.

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