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Since this is a long chapter, and you have 5 lecture videos to watch and externa

    Since this is a long chapter, and you have 5 lecture videos to watch and external URL link, I’d like you to provide at least one key takeaway from each section (Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.6) and explain why.
    Please share your comments with fellow class members below and give feedback on others’ key takeaways.
    Marquis Hooper – Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 2:51 PM
    Week 7 Discussion on the Factorization of Polynomials
    In section 6.1, I learned the key principle of reversal, which states that if A = B, then B = A, known as the factorization of polynomials. It is vital when dealing with polynomials, either forward or backward factorization. Likewise, section 6.2 is essential since it teaches how to factorize the trinomials with a leading coefficient of 1. On the other hand, section 6.3 was vital to my learning since I got to learn the factorization of trinomials whose leading coefficient is not 1 (Blitzer, 2016). The resulting solutions after factorization are in factored form for the two sections. In section 6.4, the factorization of two squares was very insightful since I could solve the equations with either the coefficient of 1 or not. Lastly, in section 6.6, the major takeaway was how to solve the quadratic equations by the factorization method. However, just like the other ways of solving the polynomials using factorization, the resulting solution was in the form of factors.

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