Simple Unix Shell Design

Question Description
For this assignment, you are to design a simple shell which implements a subset of the functionality of the Bourne Again Shell (Bash). The requirements for your shell are as follows:
Continually prompt for textual user input on a command line.
Parse user input according the provided grammar (see below)
When a user enters a well formed command, execute it in the same way as a shell. You must use the commands fork and exec to accomplish this. You may NOT use the C++ system() command.
Allow users to pipe the standard output from one command to the input of another an arbitrary number of times.
Support input redirection from a file and output redirection to a file.
Allow users to specify whether the process will run in the background or foreground using an ’&’. Backgrounding processes should not result in the creation of zombie processes. (Commands to run in the foreground do not have an ’&’, and commands that run in the background do)
Print a custom prompt which supports printing the current directory, user name, current date, and current time.
(Bonus) Allowing $-sign expansion. See the last sample command in the list of commands for example.
-Write a report describing your design for piping, redirection and other special techniques that you are unique to your implementation. No need to restate the obvious.
More details are in the handout.pdf and all other files that were given for this assignment are also zipped.

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