Simple Discussion Problem

Question Description

This discussion will follow the same schedule, but will be a little different. This time you will find your own academic article, summarize it, cite it, and tell me why you picked it. You do not need to respond to your peers.

Find a marketing article that has been published in the last five years using the SVSU Library database. You will have a difficult time getting the .pdf for anything that is too recent. You may use any journal you like, but the following four are considered to be the most prestigious in my field:

Journal of Marketing
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Marketing Research
Marketing Science
Here are some possible papers from the Journal of Consumer Research:

Duke & Amir 2019.pdf

Here is an example of how to cite these:

Duke, Kristen E. and On Amir (2019) “Guilt Dynamics: Consequences of Temporally Separating Decisions and Actions,” Journal of Consumer Research, 45(6), 1254-1273.

Wiggin et al 2019.pdf “Curiosity Tempts Indulgence”

Gullo et al 2019.pdf “Does Time of Day Affect Variety-Seeking?”

Zu et al 2019.pdf “The Mere Deadline Effect: Why More Time Might Sabotage Goal Pursuit”

ODonnell & Evers 2019.pdf “Preference Reversals in Willingness to Pay and Choice”

Liu et al 2019.pdf “Delicate Snowflakes and Broken Bonds: A Conceptualization of Consumption-Based Offense”

Fisher, Newman, & Dhar 2018.pdf “Seeing Stars: How the Binary Bias Distorts the Interpretation of Customer Ratings”

Friedman, Savary, & Dhar 2018.pdf “Apples, Oranges, and Erasers: The Effect of Considering Similar versus Dissimilar Alternatives on Purchase Decisions”

Gu, Botti, & Faro 2018.pdf “Seeking and Avoiding Choice Closure to Enhance Outcome Satisfaction”

Hossain 2018.pdf “How Cognitive Style Influences Mental Accounting System: Role of Analytic versus Holistic Thinking”

Huang & Gong 2018.pdf “The Minimal Deviation Effect: Numbers Just above a Categorical Boundary Enhance Consumer Desire”

Kerkhove & Pandelaere 2018.pdf “Why Are You Swiping Right? The Impact of Product Orientation on Swiping Responses”

Shoham, Moldovan & Stenhart 2018.pdf “Mind the Gap: How Smaller Numerical Differences Can Increase Product Attractiveness”

Whitley, Trudel, & Kurt 2018.pdf “The Influence of Purchase Motivation on Perceived Preference Uniqueness and Assortment Size Choice”

Zhu, Yang, & Hsee 2018.pdf “The Mere Urgency Effect”

Here are some options from the Journal of Marketing:

Tellis et al 2019.pdf “What Drives Virality (Sharing) of Online Digital Content? The Critical Role of Information, Emotion, and Brand Prominence”

Winterich et al 2019.pdf “Knowing What it Makes: How Product Transformation Salience Increases Recycling”

Sinha and Bagchi 2019.pdf “Role of Ambient Temperature in Influencing Willingness to Pay in Auctions and Negotiations”

Herhausen et al 2019.pdf “Detecting, Preventing, and Mitigating Online Firestorms in Brand Communities”

Henderson, Mazodier, & Sundar 2019.pdf “The Color of Support: The Effect of Sponsor-Team Visual Congruence on Sponsorship Performance”

Here is how you can find journal articles on your own:

Turn on Closed Captioning for instructions.

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