Short Fiction Essay 2

Question Description

Please read story before start the job.

Select one of the stories that we have read so far in the class for your paper. (The alternative story is in file)

Length: At least 3 full pages.

Before you begin writing, I suggest that you review the readings in your text on writing about literature. You may also find this section from the Purdue OWL helpful: (Links to an external site.)

Your paper is an explication and analysis of the story, not a simple summary of the events in the text.

First, develop a thesis that clearly states your interpretation of the story you have chosen. Then provide a thorough explication that illuminates how the evidence in the text supports that thesis.

As part of your explication, select one aspect of a story from our text, and write an analysis of how that element of the story works to convey meaning, support the understanding of a character, or emphasize theme. You might consider a literary element or technique such as setting, characterization, or symbolism in the stories we’ve read so far.

Remember to create a clear thesis. Remember to focus narrowly on one aspect or element of the story in your analysis. Remember to explain yourself fully and to illustrate with quotes and references from the story. This is an explication and analysis only, so focus on the text itself rather than outside research.

Remember also that your purpose is not to summarize the story.

Format: MLA. You should include proper citation to our text at the end of the paper.

Also, please note that I can only accept your assignment submitted in the dropbox as a Microsoft Word compatible file attachment.

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