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Scope of Mini Transport Assessment

    A Transport Assessment is a thorough analysis of all the likely transport implications of a proposed
    development. This is an individual coursework. Each student will produce technical content relating
    to various elements of a Transport Assessment, presented in a manner that could be extracted and
    input directly into the final formal, professional report. To clarify, in this scenario the student is not
    required to prepare the full Transport Assessment report, only to prepare a number of specific
    elements that could then be directly input into the final report that would be collated and
    completed by someone else. Students are therefore not required to prepare a contents page or an
    introduction, you are only required to complete the elements of work relating to the five tasks listed
    Students are required to undertake five separate elements of work (Tasks 1 to 5) that all relate to
    the same proposed residential development:
    Task 1 – Accessibility by sustainable modes of transport
    Task 2 – Road accident analysis
    Task 3 – Review of junction modelling results
    Task 4 – Policy review and conclusions (relating to work undertaken for Tasks 1 to 3)
    Task 5 – Parking provision analysis
    It is advised that students complete each task in the order listed. Detailed instructions and the initial
    data relating to the proposed development, required to assist students in completing each of these
    tasks, are provided in the separate document, ‘CIVE30002 Mini TA Coursework – information for
    students’, which will be made available in the NOW learning room for this module. Lectures will
    provide information that will be helpful in completing this coursework and these will be supported
    by practical seminar sessions in which students will work through examples of transport data
    analysis appropriate to Transport Assessment in order to prepare students to undertake this
    Whilst presenting the analysis and writing up findings and conclusions, students are to be mindful
    that a Transport Assessment is a formal technical report that will be read and scrutinised by the
    Local Authority Highways and Transport Officers, in order to assist them in their decision as to
    whether or not to recommend the approval of planning consent for the proposed development. The
    style of presentation and language used should therefore be appropriate to the intended purpose
    and audience.

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