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Home » Scenario: A well-known actor/producer was supposedly seen by a young fan in Sono

Scenario: A well-known actor/producer was supposedly seen by a young fan in Sono

    Scenario: A well-known actor/producer was supposedly seen by a young fan in Sonoma County while he was wine tasting. The fan took what he claims is a video of the famous actor/producer’s surly, drunken behavior at the winery restaurant. The video went viral (instantly shared over the Internet) and although the footage is scratchy, many claim this video appears authentic. Some say this actor’s popularity is going to be damaged and his new movie, Let’s Begin Again, a movie about a social media icon’s rise to fame, will lose audience share as a result.
    The special project team in charge of this actor/producer’s promotion gets busy to mitigate the damage. You will act in the role of the team leader and will imagine their synthesized responses.
    Using the problem-solving steps provided in the reading area:
    Describe the six problem-solving steps this promotion team needs to take specific to the scenario.
    Explain how applying the six problem-solving steps you have provided above should effectively address the team’s task and situation.

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