Rugged individualism

We constantly hear that Judeo-Christian values is the foundation of the United States of America. According to the 2016 CIA World Fact Book, our nation is home to a multitude of religions and denominations: 51.3% are Protestant, 23.9% are Roman Catholic, 1.7% are Mormon, 1.6% are “other” Christians, 1.7% are Jewish, 0.7% are Buddhist, 0.6% are Muslim, 2.5% are “other” or unspecified, 12.1% are unaffiliated, and 4% profess no religious belief. According to some politicians, the term “Protestant Work Ethic” serves as the foundation for “Rugged Individualism.” Students are to contemplate the following question: “What is rugged individualism from the perspective of the authors we have currently read?” Which of the readings assigned so far do you think had the most influence on our country’s definition of rugged individualism? What is your definition of rugged individualism? Do you believe that rugged individualism is a motivating factor for our capitalist system?
Does rugged individualism apply only to those of the Protestant faith? Is it appropriate to classify our culture of rugged individualism as a Judeo-Christian value? Identify those authors you wish to reference when making your case.
Some people define rugged individualism as someone who helps himself or herself out without government assistance. President Herbert Hoover believed that the government does not need to involve itself in people’s economic lives nor with the national economy. Does religion dictate rugged individualism? Is there a moral obligation for the government to provide social welfare programs? If so, is there a limit to the extent of government assistance?
All of us in this classroom benefits from social welfare programs in more than one way. Some examples of social welfare programs are public education, social security, government healthcare, etc. Can someone professes a strong belief in rugged individualism and receive social welfare benefits? What is the impact on our nation if a majority are dependent on government assistance?
introduction: Begin your paper with an introduction that tells the reader how your paper is going to be laid out. Never assume the reader already knows about the subject you are writing about. Tell the reader what you are writing about all while thinking about the following phrase “Here is the path I’m taking you down and here is why!”
Body: This is the “guts” of your paper.
Conclusion: State how the American political system can be improved

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