Revise My Essay Based On My Teachers Feedback

I’m studying for my Psychology class and need an explanation.

Please use my exact essay attached below, and revise it based on this feedback left by my teacher:

Please make the following changes for the final draft:

1. Add more headings to help organize your paper

2. Instead of arguing both side separately, consider a thesis statement of “addiction has both a biologival and social component” then your headings can be “biologial factors” and “social factors” adn then you can organize them by heading within those sections further. 

failure to make the aforementioned revisions will result in point deductions for my final paper.Assignment: Diversity in Action—Life Lessons Learned: nursing assignment help services
I’m trying to study for my English course and I need some help to understand this question.

All three professionals who spoke to you in the video segments this week grew up in families that were outside the dominant culture in this country. Each experienced personal challenges and each was able to turn these challenges into opportunities.
Begin your preparation for this assignment by reviewing the “Key Terms” section of the course text, Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves. Re-visit all those terms and/or concepts, identify those which you still need to understand better, and review them once more. Then review the three video segments and pay attention to the kinds of challenges each person faced, the ways each person managed these challenges, and the ways in which all of these experiences influenced their professional and personal lives. Now write an essay, at least 2 pages in length, in which you summarize:
The ways in which any/each of the videos addresses the following course topics (citing examples from the video segments):
Social identities Culture Family culture Prejudice “Isms” Marginalization Privilege
The topic(s), that stir(s) your professional passion and/or remain(s) problematic for you Ways in which you might turn one specific challenge related to diversity into an opportunity to professionally and personally grow and/or advocate for children and families
Assignment length: at least 2 pages
Submit this assignment

.If you are wondering, I am a young black woman.

I am sending all resources that, must be use for this essay and videos

Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).
“Key Terms” (pp. xi-xiii)
Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). In her own voice: Nadiyah Taylor [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 25 minutes

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). In her own voice: Julie Benavides [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 21 minutes.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). In his own voice: Dr. Eugene Garcia [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 21 minutes.

In each of these three media segments, an early childhood professional discusses ways in which her/his upbringing and life events shaped the professional path which has been dedicated to increasing equity and to work for social justice.

here is my login to access the videos

[email protected]

password: Blessed27!Describe the three levels of case management with a brief example of a micro, meso, and macro level need that a typical client in addiction treatment might have.
I’m studying for my Psychology class and need an explanation.

In the assigned reading, you will learn about Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model that describes three basic levels of case management considerations. You will also read about standard models of case management for clients who are in substance use treatment in the TIP Guide.

Read Chapter 3: “Applying the Ecological Model”

Read TIP Guide 27, pp.18–28

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2015). Case management for substance abuse treatment. Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 27. Retrieved from…

Discussion Board

SMART Goal Setting in Case Management

Case managers use a variety of case management models in their work with clients. The strength-based approach is used in most behavioral health settings because of the emphasis on the client as a whole person with strengths and experiences that can be used in treatment. These strengths, along with their needs, are considered during the goal writing process. These goals are used to in the creation of a case management plan. The process is described in your assigned reading. Using the information from the assigned reading respond to the questions below.

Explain the strength-based approach of case management include the basic concepts of strength-based assessment and provide an example of a strength-based goal.

Describe the three levels of case management with a brief example of a micro, meso, and macro level need that a typical client in addiction treatment might have.

Considering what you have learned, read the following scenario and respond to the questions below.

Scenario: Carole

Carole is a 20-year-old Caucasian female who has lived in a rural town for most of her life. Recently, she moved to the city and became involved in using drugs (cocaine and methamphetamine). She lost her job, her apartment, and friends. She has been in treatment with your agency for the past week and is ready to develop a case management plan. Her parents still live in a rural town and do not know of her current situation. She is sleeping during the day on park and bus benches and hiding at night. She is afraid of being attacked and worries that she will use drugs again. She is in treatment but is struggling to get to the treatment center each day for group.

As her case manager, what are two SMART goals that address her micro or meso level needs?

Which referrals could meet her most immediate needs (use your Las Vegas, Nevada?

Textbook-Summers, N. (2015). Fundamentals of Case Management Practice: Skills for the Human Services.Complete the exercise ?
I don’t understand this Law question and need help to study.

Polling Exercise

Conduct a poll of at least five people by asking the following questions. Evaluate each answer and decide whether you would consider it as hedonic or eudaimonic, and record it in the table. Finally, answer the question below the table in 200-350 words.
What makes you happy? Would you say you are living “the good life?” Why or why not? If you could make any changes you wished that would make you happier, what would those be?


Write a summary of your results. What common beliefs about happiness were evident in your results?Strategic Management: Capstone: nursing assignment help
I’m studying for my Management class and need an explanation.

Part A: Competitive Strategy

1. Assess (i.e. good, bad, or neutral; and why) the overall financial performance of the firm:



b. EVA

c. FCF

2. Perform an external environment analysis:

a. Identify all threats and opportunities associated with all 7 segments of the general environment.

b. Conduct a Porter’s five forces analysis.

c. Discuss how the general environment might impact on one or more of the five forces.

3. Perform an internal environment analysis:

a. Disaggregate the firm’s ROCE and identify the firm’s competitive dis/advantages. Competitive

advantages are the better ratios.

b. Draw the firm’s value chain.

c. Propose a hypothesis of the relationship between or among the firm’s value chain activities and its

competitive advantages.

4. Discuss the firm’s strategic position:

a. Identify the firm’s target markets and their customer needs or value proposition.

b. What is the firm’s generic strategy?

c. Can the firm sustain its competitive advantages?

d. Draw a table that shows a total alignment of the firm’s goal, strategy, resources and capabilities, and its


5. Use the Competitive Rivalry model to

a. Illustrate the rivalry between two of the three main competitors in the industry

b. Predict Competitive Behavior of your firm and that of the competitor’s.

b. Part B: Corporate Strategy

6. Analyze the firm’s diversification strategy:

a. What is the firm’s diversification strategy? Why?

b. Explain how it creates value.

7. Analyze the firm’s diversification strategy:

a. Provide examples of the firm’s acquisition or merger experience.

b. Evaluate the firm’s acquisition or merger strategy.

c. Explain how the strategy helps the firm achieve its competitive advantage and shareholder value



8. Explain the firm’s international corporate-level strategy:

a. Describe the three international corporate-level strategies.

b. What is the firm’s international corporate level strategy? How does it create value?

c. Use Porter’s model to analyze the international competitiveness of the firm’s industry.

9. Define and discuss the firm’s strategic alliances:

a. Define the three major types of strategic alliances.

b. Provide examples of the firm’s alliance strategy.

c. Explain how it creates value.


Part C: Implementation & Recommendation

10. Discuss the the corporate governance (internal) mechanisms of the firm:

a. Ownership concentration

b. Board of directors

c. Compensation

11. Analyze the firm’s organizational structure and control:

a. Please draw the firm’s organizational structure.

b. What type of organizational structure is it?

c. Please discuss the firm’s organizational structure.

12. Please discuss the strategic leadership & responsibilities of the firm’s CEO.

13. Discuss one aspect of the firm’s strategic entrepreneurship.

14. Construct a Balanced scorecard for the firm.

15. Please make recommendation for the firm. Help the firm improve its

a. Competitive strategy,

b. Corporate strategy,

c. Corporate governance and strategic leadership

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