Resume Project

Question Description
PurposeFor this project, you will develop a resume targeted to a specific job or internship in your eventual major.Resumes not only list your skills and qualifications for a particular position, but do most of the arguingwhen it comes to getting you an interview. In other words, resumes are highly-charged, formulaicarguments. How much attention you pay to your resume often reveals how serious you are to potentialemployers. A resume and a cover letter represent your first opportunity to show a manager, vice presidentor team leader how effectively you communicate.Project SequenceYou’ll get the most out of this project if you develop a new resume. Specifically, you should target yourresume to a particular position, which means that you should begin searching through job and internshippostings now. You probably have not completed many courses in your academic major, so considerchoosing an internship. We’ll discuss how to read a job or internship posting in class.After you scour ads or professional listings within your field of interest, complete these tasks:1. Refer to the samples on Blackboard and choose the kind of resume you need—chronological orskills—based on our discussions, your background, work history, desired position, etc.;2. Pay particular attention to the Carden chapter on career development;3. Find a job or internship posting that you could legitimately apply to by Summer 2020;4. Conduct research on the company or organization you have chosen to target;5. Build the resume using the content development strategies and design principles we discuss inclass;6. Submit a Resume First Draft using the Turnitin link in the Resume Project Submission Folder;7. Complete both a Peer- and a Self-Review using Turnitin’s PeerMark;8. Review all comments, and revise your Resume First Draft;9. Upload the final version of your resume using the Resume First Draft: Revision 1 link in theResume Project Submission Folder;10. Refer to the cover letter samples we discuss in class; immediately begin drafting an employmentcover letter to be submitted soon after you turn in the resume.The PostingYou will turn in a hard copy of your job/internship posting with your resume. If you find a posting online,make sure you print a copy immediately, since employment postings often disappear. You won’t be ableto email it to me; I must have a hard copy.Development and DesignPay particular attention to your resume’s development and design. Resume readers certainly do, as youwill soon discover. Your resume must conform to the established design principles we review extensivelyin our meetings. It must also be as complete as possible, and we will also discuss how to fill out yourresume, i.e., how to develop it using the unique skills and experiences that set you apart from othercandidates.

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