Responses To Questions

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Response Guidelines
Response Guidelines

Respond analyzing the post to see if the proposed methods for recruitment, screening, and selecting members are appropriate and practical. Provide both supportive and critical feedback as necessary

Shemia Hollingshed

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Prior to establishing a group at my site for students (3rd-5th) who need help with anger management, I would present at a faculty meeting for the administration and stakeholders (teachers, parents, etc.). In the presentation I would present my ideas for the group: my purpose for starting the group, learning targets, procedures, assessments ( to evaluate learning targets) and additional considerations like when the group will meet, how often, etc. (Corey & Corey & Corey, 2018). This will be beneficial because it will provide an opportunity for collaboration and feedback on the ideas for the group. Participants can even make suggestions for other groups they think is necessary for students to grow emotionally, socially, and with their behavior. Once the information from stakeholders has been gathered, then flyers will be made for students introducing the new group. If students are interested they fill out the bottom portion of the flyer and return it to the school counselors mailbox. According to the Best Practice Guidelines, students who may possibly enter the group must have all the detailed information about the group (Corey & Corey & Corey, 2018). All students who return the flyer stating they are interested will then receive a paper with all the detailed information about the group. Students will have an opportunity to ask any questions about the group. To screen students and learn more about each student, I will connect and collaborate with teachers and parents.

Another way to select members is to have teachers, staff, and parents choose which children they feel will benefit the most from anger management counseling. However, the more powerful one to me, is children realizing they have an issue with controlling their anger and choosing themselves to be apart of the group. It is imperative that through this process, a team of people work together for the individuals.

Respond posts regarding the use of technology, sharing your insight and experience.

Socorro Matias

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Technology has transformed the individual’s personal and work life (Zunker, 2016). Counselors need to be up to date in this matter so they can better help the clientele (Osborn & Zunker, 2016, Zunker, 2016). Many concerns has appears with the use of technology, confidentiality being one of them (Zunker, 2016). The confidentiality of the information needs to be guarded so this is not accessible for persons unauthorized (Zunker, 2016). One form to assure the information been secured is that the encrypted (Zunker, 2016). The client needs to know the limits of confidentiality when using technology (ACA, 2014; Osborn & Zunker, 2016). Other concerns are the online assessment scoring and interpretation. Counselors need to be aware of the validity and reliability of the online assessment to be use (Osborn & Zunker, 2016). They need to use instruments for what they have been trained (ACA, 2014, Osborn & Zunker, 2016, Zunker, 2016). Not being aware of this information can lead to misinterpretation of the results (Zunker, 2016).

Using technology in the career counseling profession as other type of work has advantages (Zunker, 2016). The counselor can help the client in exploring many types of jobs for made a career decision. For do this, the counselor needs to be up to date in technology and sites that offers information related to online assessments and jobs (Zunker, 2016). For example, Osborn, et al (2014) in their article presents a variety of sites that can help counselors in addressing career counseling for clients. They mentioned too that social media has a big role for the job search. Many of the sites that they mentioned are Facebook, Indeed, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Many employers have been using the social media for post their job openings, for clients fill an application, etcetera (Osborn, et al, 2014).

Counselors need to address the main concerns with clients related to confidentiality, scoring and interpretation of assessments when using technology. It is necessary to the client be oriented of the limits of confidentiality when need to technology when searching for a job. Technology is good, help in the process of searching a job. Sometimes technology can be overwhelmed for a client, counselor need to be prepared in this aspect so they are to replace by technology (Zunker).

Christen Bellace

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If it seems like innovation certain technology are improving an accelerated pace, that’s because it is. It was not long ago that we carried cell phones that had analog screens. And today we carry many computers in our pockets. Therefore, it is not a surprise that technology has also changed the way most organizations run their businesses. This also holds true in the field of career counseling. However, that does not mean that there are not issues that arise for counselors using computer systems and programs to aid in our client’s needs.

What are some of the issues that may arise with using computer systems with career counseling clients? According to Zunker (2016), it is imperative that counselors who utilized computer assisted career guidance and on-line systems must ensure that said systems encompass the same standards one would find in traditional assessments. Furthering this understanding Ozborn, (2016) States that errors in particular processes such as validity Are difficult to identify in computer-based assessments therefore it is imperative that career counselors stay aware of potential errors. They go on to state that validity and reliability must be scrutinized for it not to be misleading in the end results (Zunker, 2016). Furthermore, it will be imperative that counseling professionals not rely solely on the use of computer-based systems in that they cannot replace an educated counselor. Finally, it is important that any Career counselor that is using computer-based systems just as they would use traditional assessments and always Be sure to make ethical decisions when choosing any on-line assessment in their online toolbox.

Another issue career counselors should consider when utilizing computer-based systems is Interpretation. As we already discussed the importance of ensuring validity, we must take into consideration the level of competency and experience when interpreting online test results (Zunker, 2016). Improper interpretation fosters invalid conclusions, and in the end a career counselor can be dealing with a client who is making inappropriate decisions and choices. Zunker (2016), stresses individuals who are coming to invalid conclusions can also be overlooking the importance of general counseling to overcome impediments that are possibly lending too inappropriate career decision making skills.

Confidentiality is also another issue that career counselors utilizing computer-based program should take into consideration. According to American Counseling Association (2014), it is imperative that counselors make a reasonable effort to keep client records confidential. However, we must acknowledge the limitations of Internet providers and other information technology sources can give us and keeping clients communications and records from unauthorized individuals.

Finally, it will be important to properly communicate to a client or student regarding the use of Internet job searches Is that they should use them as a means to research their own understanding of self-knowledge. Zunker (2016), web-based information should be used in the areas where information gathering is at the forefront. They go on to state that there are 6 steps in this process such as identify and occupational alternatives, identify those alternatives, finding information on where to get required education and possible training and in the end utilized it to find a job.

Respond and provide substantive feedback on their critical analyses. Review the steps used to provide the critical analysis and suggest additional insights that may not have emerged through their work. Make any additional suggestions that you believe will assist them in increasing the scholarly value of their critiques that they will apply to their Evaluative Annotated Bibliography assignment.

McKinley Marks

Athletes and mental health across the lifespan:

Johnson, S. J. (1982). Sports participation and psychological adjustment. International Social Science Journal. 273-276. Retrieved from

I chose this article to get a perspective on past research and beliefs about sports participation and mental health. This article from 1982, offers mostly a positive outlook on sport’s participation. I found it interesting how concerns into athlete mental health on began to surface in recent years.

Moore, M., Ballesteros, J., & Hansen, C. J. (2018). The role of social work values in promoting the functioning and wellbeing of athletes. Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics, 15(2). 48-61. Retrieved from

As an individual working in the behavioral health field, I chose this article to gain a better perspective on ideas for avocation across communities. This article helped me to gain a better perspective on the student’s athlete’s knowledge of available resources in the community.

Wolanin, A. T. & Marks, D. R. (2019). Athlete mental health. APA Handbook of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1, 653-674. Retrieved from

This article denotes the specific symptoms that athletes can potentially experience due to added stress to perform and pressure placed on them by society as a whole. Specifically, this article touched on the impact that sustaining an injury can have on athlete mental health across the lifespan.

The article entitled Athlete Mental Health by Wolanin and Marks really stands out to me when conducting my research. This article speaks on the various disorders that are most common among student athletes—depressive disorders, anxiety, and bipolar-related disorders (Wolanin & Marks, 2019). This article, written in 2019, notes some of the most progressive and up to date research on the topic. Wolinin and Marks (2019) stated, “The media and scientific community have reported on case studies in which athletes have experiences various forms of psychopathology in context of sport competition” (p. 653). These has been more and more attention brought to this topic in the last few years. As the mental health movement begins to move forward, the stigma has finally begun to dissipate in certain aspects. Wolanin and Marks gather perspective from the student athletes themselves on the available resources in the community. Most interestingly, I believe that this article is valuable to my research efforts for the work done on athletes whom have sustained a serious injury. An athlete who has suffered a season or career ending injury is likely experience effects to their mental health (Wolanin & Marks, 2019). For example, a sense of helplessness/hopelessness or even a loss of their identity. Athletes often tie their own personal identity in very closely with their ability to perform their sport. This is where the serious mental health maladjustment can take place.

Natisha Melchor

HL Affects on Speech

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Hearing loss and verbal memory assessment among older adults is the first article. This article provides insight into the challenges aging adults face when experiencing hearing loss. More specifically the effects it has on a person’s ability to formulate language. Wong et al (2019), believes there is cognitive loss when hearing is comprised.

Decline in auditory-motor speech processing in older adults with hearing loss. Adults are able to process speech after hearing loss. However, their ability to comprehend what they are hearing as declined Muriel & Motten (2018).

Talking differences in clear and conversational speech: Perceived sentence clarity for young adults with normal hearing and older adults with hearing loss.

Individuals who have experienced hearing loss may engage in actions that will assist in supporting their attempts to comprehend language or sound, according to Ferguson & Morgan (2018). Also, making adjustments to their positioning, canceling out surrounding sound as well as other adaptive measures. Adults with hearing loss may use their crystallized memory of various sounds and conversations to assume what they hear Ferguson & Morgan (2018). The memory of sound preserved by an individual as it relates to language and parts of language helps assist with understanding and articulating conversations. Ferguson & Morgan (2018), theorize difference in tone among gender plays a role in a person ability to process sound. This article provides excellent insight into the idea of loss of hearing plays a role in one’s cognitive health. Individuals who can quickly process sound have a greater understanding of what sounds they are hearing. Loss of the ability to hear over time present issue that effects the cognitive health of individuals with hearing loss.

Panouilleres, Muriel T.N., and Riikka Mottonen. (2018). Decline of auditory-motor speech processing in older adults with hearing loss. Neurobiology of Aging, 72-89-97. https://doi-org.

Ferguson, S.H., & Morgan, S.D.(2018). Talker differences in clear and conversational speech: Perceived sentence clarity for young adults with normal hearing and older adults with hearing loss. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,61(1),159-173.https://doi

Wong, C. G., Rapport, L. J., Billings, B.A. Ramachandran, V., Stach, B.A. (2019. Hearing Loss and verbal memory assessment among older adults. Neuropsychology, 33(1), 47-59. https://doi-org.library,

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