Respond to this 2019 lecture delivered by art historian John R. Blakinger (Links

Respond to this 2019 lecture delivered by art historian John R. Blakinger (Links to an external site.) titled “A Contest of Images: American Art as Culture War, The Stones of Civil War.” (Links to an external site.)
Transcriipt: (Links to an external site.)
ANSWER EACH OF THE FOLLOWING PROMPTS USING 300 OR LESS WORDS FOR EACH PROMPT. Do not use a title page, do not provide an introduction or conclusion. Simply answer the prompts.
1) Identify one or two central point(s) made. What is being critiqued?
2) How is this value being promoted or critiqued? What methodology is utilized? What evidence is provided?
3) What further questions do you have? What topics might you approach differently?
Your work should be saved in A MICROSOFT WORD, double spaced, page numbered, with a heading (the name of the student, date, email and the class the student is enrolled in) and endnotes.
You are required to identify two core terms from your readings and class discussions (noted in bold and provided with a definition) in addition to citing at least two course articles or links.
NOTE SYLLABUS GUIDELINES FOR CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: All class assignments should contain the name of the student, date, email and the class the student is enrolled in within the heading of the paper.
Please save the document following these guidelines: A) Your final product will be submitted via Canvas and B) labeled in the following manner: Student last name, first name, CE (for Critical Essay, for example…) Winter 2022. Example: MithloNancyCEwinter2022.
Points will be subtracted if the student fails to label their assignment correctly. Remember that a lecture may contain several points made. Do not attempt to address ALL arguments, focus in on a primary theme or debate the speaker is addressing.
What is a “core term”? Core terms are those words and phrases that emerge from your readings, class discussions and course materials. While this course will develop a “keyterms” list over the course of the quarter, you are not limited to these. You may even provide a core term from your readings in a different class or context. Remember to make clear the meaning of your term by providing a brief definition. GRADING RUBRIC
25 points – Follow instructions correctly. What is being critiqued? How is this value being critiqued? What methodology is utilized? What evidence is provided? What further questions do you have? What topics might you approach differently?
25 points – Effective use of scholarly literature. You are required to identify TWO core terms (noted in bold and provided with a definition) as well as cite at least TWO course articles. Citations are required for the articles, preferably in the form of endnotes.
25 points – Technical issues – Grammar, document saved correctly, word count correct, numbered.
25 points – Depth and effectiveness of analysis. Remember that a lecture may contain several points made. Do not attempt to address ALL arguments, focus in on a primary theme or debate the speaker is addressing
Keywords to choose from:
Colorism- Within-group and between-group prejudice in favor of lighter skin color—what feminist author Alice Walker calls “colorism”—is a global cultural practice.
Positionality – Positionality refers to the how differences in social position and power shape identities and access in society.

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