Respect and Honesty

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Respect, in the military, is a extremely essential value to live by. It is much more than just talking and listening to someone. It is taking into consideration someone’s emotions, feelings, and needs. You have to focus on their ideas, thoughts, and preferences. It shows someone that you value their time; that you mind what they have to state. It will ease the conversation, and in turn, will create trust. The behavior and attitude of the person that is demanding respect will determine how they feel and perceive the respect you are communicating to them. There are different types of respect one can earn.
These are an honor for the person, the rank, and the position. Listed at the end are some examples that I have come up with as a civilian, you should show regard to people of authority, like a police officer, as well as a show of respect for their position. If you’re in the Army and you’re an E5, you must show military courtesy to anybody E6 and above as a show of respect for the rank that they hold. At that moment the latter one is respect for the person. You may or may not possess this type for somebody who has either earned your regard overtime or not by showing and being respectful towards you and others.
Respect is to show regard or consideration of someone or something. It can be defined as a confident feeling of appreciation towards a person or thing. Respect expresses the regard and consideration shown by an individual towards others. Respect cannot be demanded or forced; it is an asset that has to be EARNED. You must provide someone with respect before they present you the same respect that you request. Demanding someone’s respect will merely cause unwanted conflict and in turn, will make it harder for you to regain that person’s respect for you.
From childhood, we are instructed to respect our parents, elders, teacher, leaders, and the list goes on. There is a personal form of respect, which is well known as self-respect. If an individual cannot respect themselves, then they cannot respect any other person. Self-respect remains an integral component of the success of any individual. A person with low self-respect may act hesitantly, shy, or nervous. On the other hand, self-respect does not violate the individuality or respect of others.
There is a substantial difference between self-respect and ego. Self-respect is an acknowledgment of intrinsic worth. A person works to protect and preserve their self-respect. On the other hand, the ego is a forceful or aggressive imposition of one’s thoughts or judgment over others. Ego may also consist of being stubborn and close-minded. Hence respect can be called a behavioral component. A person unintentionally judges the other based on expresses behavior and qualities possessed by them. Respect obtains an expression of accepting a certain trait or set of traits shown by that person. The qualities or traits that we appreciate, we tend to respect those who maintain them.
So, respecting a person or not may come naturally. Respect obtains an expression of accepting a certain trait or set of traits shown by that person. An individual who possesses extraordinary moral values and shows compassion and solidarity towards other human beings is respected by a vast section of society. An individual who possesses extraordinary moral values and shows compassion and solidarity towards other human beings is respected by a vast section of society. All these factors contribute to effectively comprehend the term “respect.”
When an individual respect authority, it assures mutual security, violating that may harm or infringe on the rights of those around them. When individuals respect authority, it promotes social order. This is critical because it allows growth and flourishes. Another approach of displaying respect to others is by exhibiting kindness. When dealing with family, friends, or colleagues, showing kindness causes them to feel appreciated and loved. One of the ways of showing kindness to others is by watching one’s tone when addressing others. It is pivotal to note no one wants to be ordered around and employing the golden words such as please and thank you can aid in showing respect.
One of the ways of becoming more respectful of others represents honesty. Honesty comprises vital traits like truthfulness, straightforwardness, and integrity. It is substantial to realize that people would like to be dealt with honestly. Therefore, showing respect for others entails being honest in words and actions. Additionally, one should be responsible for their words and compel people to know they are reliable. You will never be fully respected as a person if it is habitually about you! You must be willing and capable to assist others to become more successful. The most painless way to earn respect is to show it no matter the rank, position, or person.

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