Resource and Time Budgets

You are going to be the project manager for the construction of a large warehouse for a major international company. Of course, there are many elements involved in constructing such a large facility, but this assignment will consider only one, the laying of the facility’s foundation (which is obviously preceded by site preparation and followed by the actual construction of the building).
In preparation for completing of this element of the project—laying the facility foundation—complete the following:
1.Locate a source of data for the hourly wages that will need to be paid to those who will pour and finish the concrete foundation (the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States government is a good source for such information). Be sure to document the source of your hourly wage data for such concrete workers.
2.Locate a source of data for the cost of a cubic yard of reinforced concrete. Be sure to document the source of your reinforced concrete cost data.
Assuming that eight workers will be needed for the completion of the project, that they will work five days per week for 10 hours per day, and that it will take them three full weeks to complete the pouring of the foundation, what is your estimate (based on the hourly wage data that you located) of the labor expense of pouring the foundation?
Assuming that the foundation will require 400 cubic yards of concrete, what is your estimate (based on the hourly wage data that you located) of the cost of the materials needed for pouring the foundation?
3.How would “Overhead charges” (review the Budgeting chapter if you do not remember learning about this term) impact the two estimates that you have calculated?
4.How would an increase in the cost of steel (one of the components of reinforced concrete) impact the budget that you had developed?
5.If the construction site was impacted by a hurricane during the preparation of the foundation (meaning that work had to be temporarily stopped), how would the overall schedule of the construction project be impacted?

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Suspendisse mauris. Fusce accumsan mollis eros. Pellentesque a diam sit amet mi ullamcorper vehicula. Integer adipiscing risus a sem. Nullam quis massa sit amet nibh viverra malesuada. Nunc sem lacus, accumsan quis, faucibus non, congue vel, arcu. Ut scelerisque hendrerit tellus. Integer sagittis. Vivamus a mauris eget arcu gravida tristique. Nunc iaculis mi in ante. Vivamus imperdiet nibh feugiat est.
Ut convallis, sem sit amet interdum consectetuer, odio augue aliquam leo, nec dapibus tortor nibh sed augue. Integer eu magna sit amet metus fermentum posuere. Morbi sit amet nulla sed dolor elementum imperdiet. Quisque fermentum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis xdis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque adipiscing eros ut libero. Ut condimentum mi vel tellus. Suspendisse laoreet. Fusce ut est sed dolor gravida convallis. Morbi vitae ante. Vivamus ultrices luctus nunc. Suspendisse et dolor. Etiam dignissim. Proin malesuada adipiscing lacus. Donec metus. Curabitur gravida

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