Research Paper In Kinesiology 2

Question Description

Add table content and data to develop the paper ON ( basal/resting metabolic rate, The effects of fasting and exercising /resting metabolic rat/ the effects of aerobic activity on the human body, aerobic training while fasting. )

Please read through the paper You will find out Sentence that hard to understand for the reader and Grammar mistakes . focus on the topics and add data from the articles you have used make the paper engaging and develop more Knowledgeable.


# Proposal Objectives

Objectives are well articulated; Introduces and presents paper effectively and clearly; purpose is apparent to the reader.

# Project Methods and Overall Design

Project Design is clear, logical and well written

-Methods is clearly outlined and sufficient to meet the proposed objectives

-Develops paper as assigned, providing a robust and accurate summary of analysis of chosen research topic; critiques ideas with great insight and shows a thoughtful, in-depth analysis of each.

# Documentation and support

Ideas are supported effectively by research and sources are clearly attributed.

# Portfolio and Progress

Several clear drafts are present. This work shows a very strong portfolio of progressively improving work. Significant effort is shown.


Arranges ideas clearly and logically to support the purpose or argument; ideas flow smoothly and are effectively linked; reader can follow the line of reasoning

# Writing mechanics and APA Format

Writing demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness

Uses APA format accurately and consistently

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