Research Paper 1387

Question Description
Research Paper Peer Review

You are to share your rough draft of your final research paper with a peer. The goal is to collaborate while providing constructive feedback to better enhance your peer’s Final Paper. The following are standards to abide by while critiquing your peer’s paper:

Review the references provided for quality, currency, relevance, and authority.Review for proper APA format.Review paper for proper structure and organization.Review paper for proper spelling, grammar, and composition.

All feedback for the peer review process should contain specific suggestions for improving the paper; not to leave your feedback open to interpretation. Point out the specific problems you have identified, as well as suggestions, for improvement. Your feedback should remain objective, constructive, and professional. Respond to at least two of your peer’s paper by day 7. You are reminded to be professional and maintain proper decorum while communicating with your peers.

View your discussion rubric.

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